> How to learn by yourself how to fight?

How to learn by yourself how to fight?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
you can but if you has basic technique or you has ever trained by someone skillfull, you just need to increase your technique etc

You don't.

Learning how to fight is a 2 man thing. You can learn how to punch correctly, do kicks, do expert bag work, but:

1. That will be only your idea of perfection. I've seen plenty of people come into our gym thinking they knew what they were doing but didn't.

2. Without someone to spar or fight with one cannot evaluate exactly where you stand.

3. You learn to fight under a legitimate instructor. Not yourself.

You can teach yourself some things. But like learning swordsmanship, martial arts is a 2 person learning process.


The situation you describe is not one that should have been handled with physical violence. If anything, you could have diplomatically expressed your disapproval of what was going on, but that's the best you could have done.

Why were you even standing in line to register for class? Isn't that done online now? Even in my ancient days we did it by phone, no lines.

Anyways, being physically beaten by your mother is a completely different issue. And there's no reason for you to engage in physical fights with others in order to stand up for yourself in general. You are obviously self-concious of your weight. If you can't join an organized class or a gym in general, you can start to tackle the weight through eating right and exercising more. Go on walks, ride a bike. You have deeper issues you need to deal with that fighting is not going to solve.

And to answer your actual question: You can't learn to fight by yourself.

Anyone in the martial art industry knows there imfins you need to succeed in martial arts you success is private trainer, sparring partners about five consistent, and good diet, good sleep , a religion, and and form practice.

yak yak yak yak yakk yakk yakk yak

u must lonely

Just yesterday i was registering for college and i had to wait for hours in a line only to have people cut in in line before me because their friend let them go in front of him, i didn't do anything because i am afraid of confrontations and fighting but i was extremely angry. The reason i am so afraid of confrontations and fighting is because i don't know how to fight, i am very short, fat and weigh 250 pounds. I am 21 but my body makes me look 13 to 16 years old which makes it easy for people to walk over me. I am also timid and shy with very few friends, i could have reported the people who cut in line but there was 3 of them and since the people behind me also did not do anything i think that they were friends with those that cut in line and so if i reported the incident to the security the people who cut in line could have worked with their friends and say that it was i who cut in line which would have resulted in me being sent to the back of the line. This is not the only incident where people have walked over me and i use it as an example as it is recent, i was bullied throughout school and my mother beat me every time i got in trouble in school so i avoided all fights and let people walk over me to avoid trouble, whats ironic is that when my mother sees me getting walked over she blames it on me and calls me a pu***. I have two older brothers but they won't teach me how to fight. My short body and extreme weight(mostly fat) make me very slow my friends can beat me in a race while running backwards my punches are slow and telegraphed, my arms are weak and when i hold on to people they break my grip easily, my brother can grab both my wrists with one hand thus i can't fight back, and i don't have the best speed or balance my opponents hit me and step back or knock me down and mount me. I don't have time to gym because college takes too much time. I tried joining a boxing gym in the holidays but they just showed me the punching bag and my personal trainer tried