> How to get into MMA and is 19 too late?

How to get into MMA and is 19 too late?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Too late for what? The next Bruce Lee? Probably. For self improvement? It is never too late for that. It is never too late as long as your expectations are realistic.

If you want to train in MMA it is probably best to just sign up at a gym that teaches MMA rather than try to learn each martial art individually.

If you have no plans on fighting than MMA is not the place for you. Take Crossfit or something for fitness.

1. Find a legit MMA gym.

2. Sign Paperwork, waiver, etc.

3. Get started and work your butt off to be the best you can be.

Why would it be too late? I started my MMA experience at 17 years old. Of course you don't have to choose one over the other. They are usually separated into two classes (Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai) because each sport has specifics that you have to know before you can combine it together. It better improves your game that way. A lot of people actually start to be inclined to do more than the other because they like the other one more (for example, I started doing both, but I definitely like doing Jiu Jitsu way more than I like Muay Thai), it depends on your preference.

Then there's one MMA class that combines the two classes into one class so you can apply everything you learned. You can always do it for the fitness. You don't have to go into tournaments or anything, but you can always do circuit training instead. That's usually the workout technique that fighters use to condition themselves when getting ready for fights and to improve their game.

Well it's normally advisable to have some sorta martial arts background but they teach plenty from scratch so you should be fine. Go for it and good luck.

Yes, go take MMA, they will teach you all the assortment of martial arts necessary to become a great martial artist. You will be unstoppable, i promise you.

I ask how do I get into it because, obviously MMA means mixed martial arts, so would I have to choose one martial art first? Or can I just go and get trained in all martial arts at one place?

I have absolutely no thought to fighting at the moment, I'm mainly wanting to do it for the fitness.