> How to fight someone 70 - 80 lbs bigger than you?

How to fight someone 70 - 80 lbs bigger than you?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Well it really depends on your strengths/weaknesses weighed against his strengths/weaknesses.

Personally i would use my speed and striking to keep him at a distance that i wanted, using front leg kicks. then when he was within range i would begin chopping him down with leg kicks. much like when you chop down a tree. kicks to the knee and striking downwards on the outside of the lower thigh. he would be looking to close the gap since he is larger and a rugby player who lacks fighting ability. So he will rush you this is almost certain. If he gets you then you will be in big trouble as you have no ground fighting skills and he will know how to dominate you with size on the ground. So be prepared for this and learn to sprawl and move and avoid fast.

This is the problem when you have no skills and strengths yourself. i would personally do all those things just so he did rush me, then we would go to the ground and i would end it there. I have ground fighting ability, you have none so learn to avoid being rushed, strike from a distance and be fast with lots of movement. This is your best chance.

stay out of his reach by being defensive only until ,he wears himself down swinging and chasing you. then when he starts puffin' light him up. or you could just walk up behind him with a 2x4. one or two good whacks to the head and that should even things out a bit. or you could just give him the beat down. Tell him if he tries revenge it'll be worse next time.

use good movement, then when you are by his side, kick his knee from the side, the fatass will come crumbling down if he is a fatass, but if he is in great shape and all muscle, go for the knee and throat

Like this:

I'm 16 from ireland and theres this guy who goes around thinking hes better than everyone else and gives alot of cheek to people and i would love to knock him out and put him back in his box like this guy is the prick of all pricks.. unfortunatly though hes 70-80 pounds bigger than me as he is a rugby player, now i know everyone who answers this question will be like" oh dont fight him hes bigger than you youll get hurt" no.. he got kicked out of my school for bullying one of the quietest lads ever and if he ever got smart with me id like to make sure that hed have to fight me if he ever got smart with me again, so how do you beat someone alot heavier than you? if your fighting someone bigger than you 70% of the time the bigger person will try get the smaller person on the ground how do you stop that?