> How to fight a fatty?

How to fight a fatty?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
If you can get out of the hold he is applying then you can use the energy of the same against him so as to take him down....

Fat does not make a person "strong", only heavy.

You can not pre-plan a fight. You can only react to what is presented by your opponent.

If you are as quick and trained as you say you are than how is this person able to apply a hold to you in the first place?

Wakarimasu, tomodachi?

I think you think too highly of yourself. In a fight that is a really bad thing. If you can really dodge or block 9 out of 10 how come you can't doge the guy and keep him from choking you? If you really could dodge 9 out of 10 the guy should not even get a hold of you 9 out of 10 times.

Fighting is not ABC: "Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face". Mike Tyson said this. Learn from him. Never have your fight planned out with what you will use. What if the scenario does not let you do YOUR combos? Are you going to take a beating waiting until you can you do YOUR combinations? If you do not know how to fight with whatever presents itself to you and have to rely that you get to do YOUR combinations, and wailing away with your combinations hoping something will land, don't fight.

No such thing as a fight going to plan. Of course we would all like to think that but its just not the case. We have plans and structures but the moment the fight begins they can change in the blink of an eye. Being able to adapt to that change is where skill and ability take over, so if you go in with a plan and that doesnt work then you are screwed because you are reliant to much on that plan.

I've been in quite a few brawls myself and I can say. The best way to fight a fat person is to dodge and counter until they get tired. Try to leep a safe distance so he won't grab you

Or.. you could just throw a donut and watch the fatty chase it.

Definitely do what the other John said.

So there is this fatty who is sometimes comes up to me and chokes me from the back and won't leave me alone. I can get out of most chokes but since he is fat he is stronger then me. He is like a tank moves slowly but can take many hits before he goes down and been into many fights. On the other hand I have not been in any fights at all but I do Karate and sparring and some wrestling skills. I am good at dodging/blocking punches I can block about 9 out of 10/ I am quick and can hit nice combos with a mix of kicks and punches and I'm the type where you leave me alone and I leave you alone type. So I think I have a fair chance of beating this fatty as long as I stay calm and use techniques over power. Here are some of my combos that I was thinking of doing:

R Punch to the stomach, use L Punch to the head as a feint, Followed by a L Round house, then hammer fist to the jaw or what ever.

R Feint, L Feint front kick, R jab, then Punch to the head with R and Punch to the stomach with L at the same time. if he doesnt go down by then I would do a feint kick followed by a heel sweep (but probably wont go down cuz hes FAT) and I can just do some elbows to the jaw and I can just jump and land on his face. Let me know what you think and what you would do. Thanks :3