> How to do an Eye Jab using Jeet Kune Do?

How to do an Eye Jab using Jeet Kune Do?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Not the eye flick an eye jab. What is the correct way?

Many times even seasoned martial arts practitioners are overwhelmed by the variety of self-defense techniques at their disposal.

More often than not the solution to a problem, in our example, self-defense could be much easier than we first think.

And that’s why today I thought it might be a good idea to draw our attention to a self-defense technique that doesn’t even require years of training, if applied correctly in the appropriate situation.

Bruce Lee said it best, when faced with a choice of hitting your opponent in the ribs or poking him in the eyes, you go for the eyes every time.

The technique that I am referrring today is simply known as the eye jab.

You can use this effective technique to “buy time” during a surprise attack and to thwart an attacker.

What’s really cool about the eye jab is that even if you miss the eyes, your attacker will blink and will give you the opportunity to follow up.

Should your jab however connect, meaning touch his eyes, they will immediately water and your attacker’s vision will severely blur.

The rest is up to you.

Especially among Kali and Jeet Kune Do practioners this swatting finger jab is a popular hand technique.

And because one doesn’t require a lot of strength the eye jab is a very practical technique. It does rely on speed, accuracy and timing.

Thus, if you have just halfway decent motor skills, you can do this one, no matter how physically fit you are.

Just make sure you are loose and not stiff during its execution. It’s like swatting a fly.

It’s also very important that your fingers of the jabbing hand are close to one another and slightly bent to avoid injury on the finger joints in case you accidentally hit bone on impact.

You should try to project toward the target without telegraphing it to your attacker.

The actual execution reminds me of a striking cobra.

I found a video clip with the legendary Paul Vunak, who puts it all together with an eye jab, elbow strike and head butt.

The execution is so fast that you might want to watch it a couple of times.

Use the eye jab responsibly and always stay safe!

An eye jab using Jeet Kune Do and doing it correctly? An eyejab is in every martial arts style that I know of that is designed for self defense and since the eye is such a small target it is whichever finger(s) in the eye in all styles. There is no just one way because in a self defense situation you have a lot of variables. Seriously, how many ways can you point and stick that in your opponent's eye? Do you really think in an self defense situation you will have time to think do I Karate eye jab, or Jeet Kune Do eye jab, or Shaolin Kung Fu eye jab, etc? Trust me your self defense situation will be chaotic and all you will think of will be getting your finger(s) in your opponent's eyes any which way you can pull it off. The correct way in all styles will be when it works.

It's for the most part the same as any except the fact that Bruce Lee used the forward hand/arm for strikes the way most others (boxing) use there rear arm for power. He taught it the same as a forward lead punch just that the fingers are extended giving you slightly extended range. As I said the "hit" is the same as a lead punch the way he taught it, you do not lean in, it is loos until point of impact etc... And retraction as soon as you land, no pushing past the target. As he said, like the whip of a towel.

So basically you just jab with you fingers straight out instead of a fist. It can be done any way you punch.

1. Straighten finger.

2. Poke eye.

Not the eye flick an eye jab. What is the correct way?