> How to do a basic wrist lock?

How to do a basic wrist lock?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Someone give me step by step instructions

1. Grab the forearm with one hand.

2. Bend the person's wrist forward with your other hand.

That's a wrist lock.

But that won't do for you, because, there is position, timing, stance, intent, condition, environment, and other factors that you must consider before executing a wrist lock. Not all situations warrant a wrist lock, and if it doesn't and you go looking for a wrist lock, you could be in a world of trouble.

So asking "how" with out considering the other questions of "where", "when", and "why" is a dangerous endeavor. You must also learn the potential reversals, where you and your opponent's balance points are, where you are exposed to attack, what to do if you are inexperienced enough to complete it, how long to practice it so that you are comfortable with it (to say nothing about being proficient or an expert on it...)

Seek qualified instruction, there's so much lost when words or a video is used instead of an instructor.

There are 5 basic wristlocks:

Sankyo which is a rotational wristlock

Kote gaeshi is a supinating wristlock

Kote mawashi is a pronating wristlock

Tekubi gatame is a hyperflexing wristlock

Nikyo or kote hono gaeshi is a adductive wristlock

There is also a hyperextending wristlock done by locking the fingers.

Depending on the attack you go into each one of them differently and there is an infinite number of attacks.

So what you are asking is impossible. Find a teacher. Aikido, Aikijutsu, Chin-a and some other styles all teach those right away. Other styles teach them too but they are later in the curriculum.

Goosenecks are really good wrist locks

Which one? Kote Gaeshi, Kote Mawashi, Kote Hineri, Shiho Kote Waza?

Buy yourself a book on Qin Na.



Someone give me step by step instructions