> How to deal with an (a)sshat?

How to deal with an (a)sshat?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Telling a superior is the best course of action. It could start a fight, but in my experience it has the best chance of ending this peacefully. For all you know this guy needs professional help.

Be determined when you bring the authorities in. Don't let them ignore you. Make it clear this is a serious issue and you stand a good chance of it being resolved.

If he attacks you, plan A should always be get out of there. No teacher or police officer will ignore you being assaulted. If you can't run, don't hold back. Make it clear that he shouldn't mess with you again.

In my experience going to the superiors has a better success record for ending this sort of thing than a fight. Winning a fight only works if he fears you. Sometimes, it just pisses the bully off even more, and next time he could bring a weapon.

1) You stick a pencil through his hand and you will get into a world of "defecation" ... it's an insanely bad idea. Law suites, medical bills, expulsion ... very very bad idea

2) Tell a superior, they can arrange a neutral meeting between the two of you so you can find out why he is bothering you. If a "superior" is aware of the situation and anything happens after that,then you have proper backup that you have tried resolving said issue

3) You can't let it continue, that would be stupid and he will then think you are weak

4) It's not a sign of weakness to use your intelligence over you strength, so maybe talk to him before resorting to option 2

Honestly if you're profficient at Muay Thai shouldn't you be able to royally kick his ***? so why are you afraid of fighting? I'm not saying make it your first option, I'd say you should talk to a superior, but my point is why are you afraid of doing that?

I mean, if it escalates into a fight then you would utterly destroy him if you really are profficient at MT and he knows nothing.

Alternatively, you could ask your friends/classmates to start discreetly spreading word that you are a profficient MT practitioner so that the bully gets word and realizes he is about to get into a world of hurt if he keeps pushing you around.

Maybe tell a "neutral" classmate to randomly say something like "hey man...why are you messing with that guy? dont you know he practices muay thai? he's gonna beat the hell out of you if you keep doing that!" to the bully to see if it deters him from action.

There was a really dumb guy at a college class I had, everyone messed with him constantly until one guy who knew him told the whole class not to mess with him because he was very experienced in BJJ and just like that, the whole class stopped trash talking him.

I've allways been left alone how did you let someone touch you. I have my no touch zone and its 360 to people I don't want to touch me I've never been snuck up on I would mess up anyone who does that an I've have the time to back off an tell them to.stop 3 times then deck them. I will try tk reason but 3 is my limit on the 3rd one I tell them what I'm going to do then do it. Unless they have a weapon I would have to run,fight or submit to there will.

Astro hanse is one thing you should know to do to that person.

You need to tell the proper authorities, and your parents, and his parents. I wish you had not thrown the shirt away because that was the best evidence you needed that the bully is way over the top. Keep a written log of every confrontation with him: dates, times, locations, a brief summary, quotes even, if possible.

Letting the adults know what is going on is the best way for you to protect yourself if you have to get into a fight with this bully. If you have tried every peaceful means to resolving this, and he still trying to get physical, you stand a better chance of not being perceived as the bad guy.

Something I think that is lost on a lot of people is that some of what people call "bullying" is flat out criminal behavior. That means, in my opinion, you should not be afraid to get law enforcement involved. I did when one of my children was threatened by a bully who was about to draw a knife. He put the bully in an armlbar before he could fully get the knife out. Now get this, school secuirty was about to take my son into custody until he screamed at them to check the bully. And they did. And they found the knife. And they let my son go and cuffed the bully.

Yes, we filed a restraining order. Ultimately, the police said they were going to let the school handle it, BUT, it put the school on notice that we were NOT playing around and guess what----THE SCHOOL HANDLED IT. No more trouble out of that one ever again.

You can try walking around with more confidence, and whatever psychological advice you get on bullying. Yes, that is fine. But, some of the bullies are breaking the law. If they are actually breaking the law, you need to get the law involved. I don't care how young they are. It is not always boys being boys or children merely acting out. Some of those children have some serious problems that need to be dealt with by a professional. It's not your job as a teenager to decide who is just acting up and who needs some counselling and who needs time in jail. That is what the adults are supposed to do.

So there's boy at my highschool who keeps bothering me, and now its starting to become quite seirous. Today he wiped something on my shirt that smelled incredibly bad(so bad infact that i had to throw away my shirt) and i asked him if he deficated his pants. There's now a rumor going around that he deficated his pants and he's pretty mad about that. If i could aviod him i would but unfortunately i cant manly because he follows me around. I really dont know what to do. I have a couple of options though

1. Next time he touches me i could drive my pencil through his hand (not my preferred option and will only be used as a last resort)

2. I could tell a superoir but that will get him in trouble and cause a fight whcih is not good for either of us especially for him because im proficient at muay thai and a noob at escrima.

3. I could just let it continue (i have a very mild form of ocd which will make it extremly hard for me to function)

4. I could try to tell him to stop which will let him know he's getting to me and could make the torment much more.

Any other options you could think of? Suggestions?

The reason i ask this in the MA section is because the main people who answer are uasally very wise.