> How to deal with a cocky Krav manga person?

How to deal with a cocky Krav manga person?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
My peers and I can usually tell how long someone has trained by hearing what they say about other systems. Of course, I have my preferences, but I don't discount anything somebody else trains in without seeing it.

To me, it sounds as if this individual isn't very secure in his own training.

If he is willing to discuss matters, you can ask why he thinks the way he does, but I have the feeling this isn't the case - he's just beating his chest. I've found that the best way to deal with people like that (without getting physical) is to just smile, maybe even laugh, and tell them, "Whatever you say, boss." The people to whom I've said that get infuriated for some reason; I guess it's because they can no longer engage you.

Most people who think they're doing Krav Maga are actually doing some stupid crap their instructor made up with little to no experience who then decided to call it Krav Maga to take advantage of its reputation. Basically, most of it sucks anus. It's very difficult to find good Krav Maga and even if you do it's really a lot more hype than it can deliver on. If you want some basic fighting skills, Krav is alright. If you want to be a really good fighter, you can learn a lot more from a number of other styles in my opinion.

As to how to tell him this, don't even worry about it. Krav guys are almost as much a group of LARPers as "Ninjas". Just let him play out his little commando fantasy.

First of all it's called krav maga.

Secondly if he is so vocal about it he is most likely pretty bad at KM and just says those things to reassure himself that he is still better than any other MA practitioner.

I have my own strong personal views agaisnt some martial arts but I never go vocal about them with a practioner of one.

What does it matter what anyone else thinks... seriously you are being ego tripped. Just mature as an artist and move on. Unfortunately Krav Maga has created a lot of people with this image in their head that they are superior to everyone. This is why the system has such a bad name among other martial artists.

Why does this person's opinion matter so much? Let him talk. If you're bothered by it, he'll just keep doing it. If you aren't bothered, he'll get bored with it. There, done.

Zip up your vagina and keep quiet. If he wants to have a loud mouth let him. He'll get what's coming to him.

Do Jeet Kune Do Mind techniques.

There is this guy that I am forced to be around that bashes my martial arts style, assumes that I train at a mcDojo, and says that my style is useless and keeps raving about Krav manga. I agree that Krav manga is an excellent style so I don't say bad stuff to him but he thinks that I do sports karate and he goes around telling everybody what he thinks of my style. I don't want to fight the guy because as a martial artist you end fights not start them, and I don't know what to expect from him if I were to fight him. I'm just sick of him not knowing the differnce between fake sports karate and real karate. I cross train in a couple other things too. I am a second degree black belt in tang soo do at a good school, a first degree black belt in hapkido, and I have a great deal of experience in bjj. I'm bigger than this guy if it matters.