> How to create a martial art system?

How to create a martial art system?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Technically, you can make up a style out of thin air.

Now if you want the respect of the rest of the martial arts community, you need to at a bare minimum have a black belt in something. Even that would not be enough in many people's opinion.

Think about your ideas, keeping a journal of your observations and thoughts about the martial arts. Eventually you will see the direction you want to take. I would recommend getting at least a black belt in two complementary disciplines for starters, the way this is defined today is a black belt in a striking art, and one in a grappling art. I would also consider studying an internal style as well. Then there is the issue of pressure points, weapons, whether you want fitness to be a factor in your style, what is your philosophy, who is the target student demographic, etc., etc., etc.

pugpaws2 has a good answer on this topic archived here.

Most people that are credited with creating a new system already have a strong martial arts background. From General Choi, to Jigaro Kano, to Ueshiba, to Bruce Lee. They learned something first.

UPDATE: Here is something else to consider

One does not create something so one can teach. One teaches because one has found something of value that needs to be passed on so it does not get lost. Get that one in the right order first for starts. The grading and uniforms is meaningless and does not need to get passed on.

You need a cool name for your martial art, and a history, best if you can trace it back to a famous source like shaolin or something, don't worry if you have to be extra creative about it cos everyone's doing it.

Bonus Tip: I heard you automatically qualify as a 10th Dan if you invent your own martial art.

When you combine the thoughts of Kokoro, Liondancer, and Possum that should sum it all up.

Distilling and combining pieces of existing martial art into a so-call new system is nothing new and such hybrid styles are a dime a dozen. With rare exceptions, their justification for being is questionable.

To create something that is truly unique and of value takes more than pasting what already exists. It means to truly understand what exists to such a point that you go beyond the technique and beyond current understanding. This applies not just to martial art, but everything else.

When Einstein created Relativistic Physics, he did not cut and paste various existing ideas of physics but create something that is totally new. When Picasso created Cubism, it was something that did not exist in the art world. Before either men brought their creation into being, they had mastered their area of expertise. Einstein was a brilliant theoretical physics. Picasso was an accomplished artists of the classical styles. What both men did was to outgrow their area of expertise and go beyond what they had learned.

Creating a new style is simple. But creating a new style that is of consequence and unique is not simple.

If you have to ask then you are no where near ready

If you have trained less then thirty of 40 yrs no are no where near ready

If you can't use all the techniques in your forms in sparing you are no where near ready

It takes decades to understand a single style. I doubt you under stand enough even about tkd. Let alone the purpose of your forma.

And there is far more to a style then just uniforms and ranks. That has very little even to do with them.

Sorry to be blunt, but what you need to do is shut up and train. With few exceptions in the world, styles aren't invented - they evolve. When it does happen, it's when the founder/inventor has mastered a style. The Japanese call this "shuhari". You have to reach the state of "Ri" before you can even think about inventing something. Until then, you need to understand the style that you study under first. And that can't happen without you putting decades of practice into a style.

I am a practitioner in taekwondo and I am going to study systema afterwards I am planning to create my own art with my own pattern,grading system and uniforms and I want to borrow stuff from other martial arts so what exactly do I need to start a martial art?