> How to counter side kick?

How to counter side kick?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Seems to me the problem isn't with his side kick as much as your footwork is telegraphing your intent. It keeps happening because you are making it so obvious as to what you are about to do. Footwork training and practicing is so terribly lacking in most schools when that is what you must be very proficient at. I suggest focusing on your footwork and eliminating the telegraphing of your movements.

Start using angles sometimes when starting to move in rather than always just attacking straight in from directly in front of your opponent. This will require some movement, foot-work, and lateral motion from you to set up being able to do this. Another thing you can do is to fake coming in or juking your opponent and getting him to waste that kick or wear his leg out. You can also attack when he is retracting his kick instead of attacking when it is chambered, ready to fire. A third thing is to attack so fast that you jam it so he can't get it extended. This will take practice and timing along with fighting from the proper distance so work on this with a few of your training partners. Most fight from too far away and then can't close the gap fast enough but we are only talking also about a matter of inches so this will take some practice.

Another strategy besides the above that I would use was to just get my lead leg up and keep it up over theirs. That forces their kicks lower and I assume you have a decent cup on-if not then you will need one for employing this strategy.

I have never been hit by a side kick. When I used to spar I will tell you what I did, walk through it and punch him in the face. I was able to get there quicker so figure it must be the best way to avoid getting hit by it.

I like to catch and leg sweep. Or move out of the way, sidestep right and throw a roundhouse, etc. There are many possibilities.

just move away and do an explosive stepping punch and im pretty sure youre opponent will get ko's or try to practice kick catching.

You don't that is one of my trade mark techniques if I lose all my gut and I a m trying to get a Brown Belt in Kajukenbo Emperado.

Catch and counter or side step and counter, thats it

side step, and watch your weight distribution and stance with. if your balance is not right or your stance is not wide enough you will move a lot slower

there are countless techniques to use for this you must find one that works for you

avoidance is the best counter

Need help, seriously. Whenever I try and get in close to my opponent, which I like to do a lot, he keeps on sidekicking me in the ribs. Any ideas on how to block/dodge and counter this? And it is a lead leg side kick, not spinning sidekick.