> How to condition my self for street fighting?

How to condition my self for street fighting?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Learn all the "dirty" and illegal tactics you were not allowed to use in MMA. On the street, stay off the ground as much as possible. When faced with multiple opponents, DESTROY the first one as quickly as you can. Condition yourself to fight all out for 30 min. straight, train to finish the fight in 30 - 60 seconds... or less.

Remember one other thing...

On the street there is no such thing as being a sportsman. On the street it's about pure survival, plain and simple. Someone who attacks you on the street may not intend to kill you, but they may do so simply by going a little too far. And again, when faced with a stranger who is intent on doing you harm, how do you know what their intentions really are?

Go pound sand or start punching a tree, that should do the trick.

You don't. Street fighting is a terrible thing to do. It is just made up of egotistic people. If you trained MMA, it means that you have learned to be the bigger person and walked away from the fight, no matter what name they call you. You shouldn't be stooping down to their level and engaging in street fighting. If you want to fight someone and prove your ability, step into a cage.

after training MMA I didn't get in any fight and hope I wont, anyway how to condition my self for street fighting especially when it's multiple opp my last fight was with 3 guys they ran from me but I have sportsmen ship so I got cheap shot :P with a headbutt. I think I should concentrate on my cardio and explosiveness these two factors are good I think with the adrenaline rush you know what do you think guys