> How to come in head first when you punch?

How to come in head first when you punch?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
The truth is that it depends. Weight transfer is a type of mechanical advantage, so like any tool it is good for some tasks but not others. And one type of weighted transfer is good at A, but not good at Z.

Whenever your head is forward of your spine axis line, it forces your body to go forward. Your mass is then committed in one direction, which means you cannot recover as easily and the movement is locked in and easy to read.

The ability to master your own body involves mastering your mass and momentum shifts. This is done via techniques such as foot work. If you want power that lets you do work, that is what you need first and foremost. Which particular transfer to use, comes with experience and is a matter of judgment.

Weight transfer does not mean you throw your body so far forward that you lose your balance. You still need to maintain stable. So if you lose your balance when throwing your punch you transferred too much weight and/or did not 'drop' your center enough to keep you stable. A lot of it is also determined by your footwork. If you tend to be really up high in your stance then of course the weight transfer is smaller or you have to step instead of just shifting your weight to close distance. If your stance is lower you can shift further without losing your balance. Which is more powerful for you? That depends on you, what you practice and how well you can figure out the timing. Some people are really fast high up and understand how to generate power with speed while others are strong in a lower stance and understand how to generate power from the ground. They are different techniques.

Nothing really just focus.

Without it messing up the weight transfer of your punches? (ie you dont want your weight foward if you are about to throw a rear cross comming in)

I love how Holyfield comes in head first, headbutting his opponents punching them and taking any shots to thetop of his head where it doesnt matter so much.

Also does weight transfer matter on a boxing punch? Some people dont give a **** where their weight is some have it on the front foot before they throw a rear cross, some say its harder this way some say its better to transfer from the rear leg to thr front, whats the truth? What is more powerful and why?