> How to build abs that is hard as a stone?

How to build abs that is hard as a stone?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
My stomach is getting bigger and bigger. I want to have abs hard as a stone in the shortest possible time. Do you have suggestions? By the way I am a skinny guy.

Abs are an extremely difficult thing to attain unless you limit your eating. Most people dont realize that we all have strong and toned abs already because it is part of our core strength that allows us to do every single movement in the world. The problem is that excess layers of fat form over the top and make it hard to see these muscle groups.

Of course there are numerous exercises that help but unless you limit your eating then its going to be very difficult to see. Even some skinny people struggle to show abs for the simple fact that they still have that excess fat over the muscles.

Believe it or not we actually did a study at university that highlighted the driving a car is one of the best builders of the abs out of any exercises. Simply because your body does not sit exactly perfect and the entire time you drive your body has to readjust itself for every single minuet movement. Of course i prefer the regular, situps, crunches, planks, hanging leg raises, Russian twists, press sit ups, bar bell rolls outs, Pilates ball roll outs and pull ins, jackknifes, gorilla crunches , L sit holds. I break these up into 2 groups and work each week as well as other gym stuff, swimming, Pilates, surfing and martial arts training pretty much every week. So just manage it all into a schedule around work/family/school and it will happen quick enough. I have always had visible abs never had a problem with it.

If you mean you want tough abs to be able to withstand hard punches you have to condition yourself. And this isn't something you do fast. In fact, it's best done slowly and carefully as serious injury can occur if done wrong.

My suggestion is to find a dojo that has a really good instructor. One that understands conditioning well and incorporates it into their program. (but one that doesn't over do it)

Getting that six pack is not about situps. It's about body fat. You can go to any gym and ask the trainer to calculate your body fat index. You need to be around 10%(men) and 15%(women) to get a six pack. A rough estimate.

Exercise is a part of it but the most important part is the body fat.

"My stomach is getting bigger and bigger", "By the way I am a skinny guy" I smell BS

Either way the solution is eat less, move more.

Jog to get abs do kickboxing to get condition to strikes and slams.

Hit the gym.

One word- Run.

My stomach is getting bigger and bigger. I want to have abs hard as a stone in the shortest possible time. Do you have suggestions? By the way I am a skinny guy.