> How to break old habits?

How to break old habits?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
The "basic front kick" is done with a heel for low targets - even in Taekwondo. Taekwondo also teaches to use the ball of foot and the instep, each has its purpose depending on your and your opponent's position.

Taekwondo teaches the side kick with the blade and the heel. it is individual preference as to which you use. In 30 years, I've never used the blade. That's just me.

The instructor is your teacher. Your teacher is your instructor. These words are synonymous.

So what you're doing isn't completely wrong, it's just not what your current instructor wants. That doesn't make it wrong, unless you're doing it wrong for Taekwondo.

The only way to change habits is to continually practice the new way slowly and with conscious effort to change the style of the kick. "Continually" may mean hundreds or thousands of times, depending on how deeply ingrained your previous techniques are, and how much you truly desire to change your techniques.

Some of your description is confusing. But, to overcome a habit and begin to do things the way they are supposed to without having to think about every thing you do is something that researchers say takes at least six months on average. That is assuming that you train often and train so that you do each thing correctly. Practicing a lot but not doing things consistently correct each time confuses the mind and body and hinders any progress. I tell all my students that it is better to train only a little correctly than it is to bang out lots of techniques but not have them correct each time.


People will say practice makes perfect....

I say correct practice makes perfect. Imperfect practice makes imperfect technique.


Lots of repetitions. To undo takes longer than if you had never done this before so be patient. Practice makes permanent, not perfect. Permanent, perfect practice makes perfect. So do things slower and correct. Speed comes later.

If you want to get a technique, do it slowly, slowly at first, understand it and then soon you will have it. Don't throw away what you got until now from TKD.

term like it many happend when someone try new style that have many different concept, therefor i wont learn every style but i just learn any technique that i think i can use, like you start learn you can get used to according your train step by step, drill and drill make you perfect.

Did TKD at a semi McDojo, we did allot of pretty kicks and thats it there. I do hapkido now and even the basic front kick is done different there. In TKD we kicked with the ball and in hapkido its a with the heel. Same with side kick, hapkido uses heel and Tkd uses blade. The thing is that the teacher (note i dont call him instructor) did excersises with us that made it so we automatically use the blade, ball of foot so i continued to mess up in hapkido practice. Is there any way to completely change ur muscle memory?