> How to become quicker in sparring?

How to become quicker in sparring?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
You mean in sparring? This is something the guy(s) teaching you should have already said and did.

Without seeing you it's hard to say but I would bet you have two problems, both are very basic.

1st, just like anything else, practice. You have a fast backfist, I would guess it was the easiest one for you to learn and spend more time on it because you like being good at it. Spend WAY more time practicing kicks. Not all out speed and power, slow so form is as perfect as you can get it, then speed up.

2nd and probably 90% of the problem. FOOTWORK! How much time have you spent on footwork? Probably WAY too little. You are probably off balance, not positioned properly and adding steps to everything you do. Without the best footwork you can possibly do, nothing will work the way you want it to.

Most individuals tighten their muscles right before they try to hit something (someone). Doing so actually slows the action because a contracted muscle must relax before the counter muscle can act. However, when people "touch" something they normally just move their finger (hand) towards the target object. This more relaxed movement requires less exertion and therefore is inevitably faster. So in regards to how this works in fighting and fight training, try to "touch" your target with whichever "weapon" you have chosen to use (hand, foot, elbow, knee, etc.) and then lock your muscle groups from the ground up for an instant at the moment of contact. Make sure you are projecting your strike apprx. 2 to 4 inches beyond the surface of your target more desired effectiveness.

weights are great and a part of my training but weights and even ball training are very push pull exercises won't make you faster. You're fighting gravity to try and keep the weight up you want the resistance going along your arm not from your arm to the ground.

I'm a big advocate of bag and shadow boxing training for speed. Keep your arms and fists loose and relaxed. When shadow boxing resistance straps give you the perfect resistance for punching. Remember that power starts in your feet / legs goes through your hips and shoulders through your arm and out the fist. Practice good mechanics and you'll have speed and power.

I got faster by jumping rope and punching with weights hope that helps and good luck

Try plyometric jump training and weight ball training.

By training. Talk to your training. I'm sure he can help you WAAY more then anyone on the internet.

I've got an insanely fast back fist, but I need quicker kicks and other hand strikes. What are some ways I can get faster? Some exercises I can do at home would be nice, if they can help. anything! I've got a big tournament in 92 days and I need to do well! :)