> How to beat almost anyone in a fight?

How to beat almost anyone in a fight?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
You're 16 and in college? If so you're really smart. If you're smart you should know what to do.

Sorry but your story doesn't add up.

Simple answer is don't get in fights. Ignore jerks, and only fight if you have to. Don't be a coward, don't look meek, but don't fight unless you have no other choice.

Short of shooting someone there is no way that is 100% certain to "beat" everyone. And even shooting someone doesn't always work.

The only certain way to "win" is not to get roped into a fight. Anything after that is a combination of luck and skill. To gain skill you train. Luck you make by not getting into places where people start fights, and not putting yourself in situations where you have no exit.

I'll run through a few things quickly.

Wait for him to throw the first punch.There's a few reasons for this but the first is a lot of people will be all talk,and hitting someone over a few words can land you in court.If he swings first that's your get out of jail card.

One good punch to the biceps can give someone what we call a dead arm or at least make it sore to move,one or two good shots to the biceps and the thighs can make the limbs sore to move.

Avoid ground combat unless you take him down not vice versa.

If you're not there he can't hit you.

If he tells you he's done,give him one more good hit to make doubly sure he's not getting up.

And here's a tip from a black belt.

Black belt- Keep a pokerface until he's waiting for you to hit him or vice versa ,and you have about three seconds before that happens by the way.After two seconds lunge at him with a punch and yell/scream,the scream startles him,the punch...well..hurts him.

Finally If he fights dirty,fight dirty right back.The ends justify the means.

Your full of BS.

Think your so big and tough? Just wait until your out of school and you might see what the real world is like.

16 and in college? I don't think so.

You expect people to believe this $hit? Hey, you can lie all you want, I don't really care. But if you're going to troll at least make it plausible and believable. No person with an IQ of more than 5 is going to buy into this crap.

Never hit a man when he's down- he might get up.

Have you thought of becoming a Monk?

There is no way to beat anyone no matter how big and bad you are there will always be someone who can beat you

(The first 2 paragraphs are not important)

I have not been in a fight for almost 3 years now (im 16) I use to never take anyone's ****, If someone insulted me i would just run over and give it my all until they got knocked out or or told me to stop then i would walk away, no one gave me **** at all but that was in school. anyway that was the old me I changed my attitude so i wouldn't have a bad reputation at college for fighting or being the 'tough kid' because i hated being known for it.

The last month i have noticed people starting to insult me or try to embarrass me and one boy even started pushing me and saying 'lets go, me and you c'mon' but I just walked away but this guy is starting to do things like this out of college like when im out on weekends and I'm not used to fighting any more but i know for a fact im going to have to fight either this weekend or next.

MAIN QUESTION - what are some techniques i could use to beat this guy if **** goes down? I mean I'll do anything I'm not going to let this guy make me look like a ***** in front of my friends.

I have been told poking someone in both eyes or kicking them in the nuts is the easiest ways to win a fight or a well timed headbutt? either way guys please anything you can think of apart from using weapons!