> How stupid is this....?

How stupid is this....?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
While I don't agree with the law in those states they were put in place for a good reason when it was done. It has nothing to do with Asian gangs or a stereotype that the know martial arts. It was done for public safety long before CCW were being issued or accepted. it may be time that some lawmakers revisit those laws and have them changed. But that means you need some lobbyist to bring this to the lawmakers attention to get things to change.

I recall one of those states don't even allow you to have them for martial arts competitions or training. I don't recall which one or if it was both.

That is a lost on its cultural history that can't be passed on to the next generation.


You may not have meant to stereotyping, but those are common stereotypes and that would be offensive to many.

Some laws needs to be changed.

Also, regarding fireworks being illegal. It does make since. I enjoy fireworks. But because of safety concerns I understand why they are illegal in many places. Especially in dry climate it doesn't take much to have a huge fire that would spread fast and destroy many homes and natural resources. Look at California or Idaho. They have huge forest fires practically every year. It is started wit the sun. One ember for a sparkle can destroy a national park and spread to many home in a matter of minutes. Their water supply is very limited. They would not be able to put the fire out. It would burn for weeks as it continues to spread.

Most Asians don't know martial arts. I know this because I'm Asian and I used to be in an Asian gang on the east coast. Of the 60 members, only 1 guy knew martial arts.

As far as it's illegality, yes I agree that its stupid. But what are you gonna do? The law's the law. Maybe you should ask another question here and see if anyone knows what the legal repercussions are for owning it. Then decide if you want to follow the law or not...

Weapons like that, nunchaku included, are illegal in many places for a reason: they're dangerous. People would hide nunchaku inside their jackets, then when going to mug someone, they'd whip them out and crack someone's head with them. You don't even need to know how to use them to kill someone with them.

Usually it's illegal to own them unless you use them for the purpose of practicing martial arts.


@Shaeeck You're right the same does happen with guns. I never said the law is right or made sense, sometimes laws don't. It's just like some states don't allow fireworks - it makes no sense.

First off, lets keep from making this a gun debate. That wasn't what the question was about. And to answer your question, things like this are a grey area in most states. Even if they are illegal in many states they don't really care and won't enforce the law at all unless you are using it to harm someone. In my state back in the USA (I've been living out of country for the last year) swords are pretty grey on their legality. That being said, I've walked past police officers while carrying a sword on me and never have had any problems whatsoever. Same goes with most knives and things like nun-chucks as well. Basically it comes down to the individual state and city that you live in. I wouldn't carry around a sword in Chicago like I would in Colorado.

No that is not why it's illegal at least not in ny

In the 1960's or around there, they had a riot and the rioters pulled out a nunchaku many of them took out or broke the legs of police officers

The three section staff falls in the same cat agony as nunchaku

edit:>I never said the law was just.

beside most people cant even use them they just wildly swing the weapon.

But Kokoro surely you see the ridiculousness of having a nunchaku banned but still every crackhead in the cities has access to guns???

All because the constitution does not say right to bear nunchaku - breaking police officers legs with nunchaku is far more dangerous than a crackhead with a gun?

@Artist, are you saying that does not happen with guns though? because every man and their dog has a gun in the U.S, the weapons laws are ridiculous and laughable

Well, of course. All you have to do pass a law and make a weapon illegal and all crime will disappear because criminals won't dare break the law by getting it on the black market. The State is your friend. The State "cares" about you. The State will protect you. Yada-yada-blah-blah. And the really stupid thing about it is there are people who actually believes all that baloney.

Some biker gangs carry ball-peen hammers because they are legal to carry on their belt (my uncle was a Hell's Angel, so I have first hand knowledge). After all, it is just a tool in case they need to bang in a stray nail, right? Silly laws banning things like extendable batons that are great less than lethal options for citizens are a joke. One can just substitute other implements.

In my state (Nebraska) it is not illegal to own them, or even to carry them openly in your pocket. But as soon as you put them in your hand it is classified as "brandishing a dangerous weapon", yep, "brandishing". Brandishing is bearing any weapon in a threatening manner. Just like you can carry a machete on your belt (just don't try going shopping that way), but if you are carrying it in your hand it is "brandishing".

Look how stupid this is. An amazing weapon, and its illegal in cali and new york! Oh, because theres Asian gangs that know martial arts on both coasts, but they haven't figured out how to shoot a gun yet?
