> How not to be weak in a fight?

How not to be weak in a fight?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
If somebody push you and its hard to push them back, and in fights, how to get stronger

You'll lose your motivation quick just for that reason. You gotta have passion for them...the weight lifting, Martial Arts. Don't learn those just for Fight that you'll soon forget within month or so.

I love doing workout, and did some boxing and kicks on the punching bags.. I was able to do mid-air spin kick. I push myself over the limits and loving it.. Its the burning desire on wanting better of myself. Don't do it to be better of other, but yourself. The Only enemy you have is yourself.

Of course right now my worse Enemy is Diabetes! :( It took away one thing I love that is heavy serious workout, because I'll pass out quick due to low blood sugar. That suck big time. :(

I promise you once you gain some confidence in yourself after gluesome workout, you wouldn't care for the person who pushed you, you'll just simply walk away and thinking its not worth it.. You'll have burst energy inside you, and you can easily destroy him... but its not worth the trouble. Just do evil smiles and walk away.

I wouldnt suggest fighting as the answer to that problem just ignore someone who pushed you once, if they do it more then once then talk to them. To get stronger you just have to weight lift. start with like 10 poud weights and go up from there. just dont do a heavy weight if you cant do that many reps.

push ups and pull ups are the best they act a little slower than weights but give you a more natural look

bulk up, lift weights, speed train, take classes. Remember, it takes a strong person to walk away from a fight.

If somebody push you and its hard to push them back, and in fights, how to get stronger