> How much bjj do you need for mma?

How much bjj do you need for mma?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
You need as much BJJ as you can get. I know one guy who made his amateur debut as a brown belt. Not saying you need a brown belt before competing in MMA, but that you might FACE a brown belt, for example.

I also don't know why you simply can't work on your "wrestling" alongside your BJJ.

I'd also note that BJJ for MMA is different than BJJ for the sake of BJJ. If your personal approach to BJJ relies a lot on the gi, for example, it won't translate as well as someone who doesn't rely on gi grips.

Learning the skills BJJ gives you for MMA is a process, not a box to tick off. You can't just take it for, say, three years and go, "Well, I've learned all the BJJ I'll ever need for MMA, time to move on."

I'd suggested starting with escapes from bottom of mount, side control, and back mount; guard passing; defenses against common submissions like guillotines, arm bars, Kimuras, RNC's, and Triangle chokes; sweeps from guard and half guard. Roughly in that order. If you're not in a position to be hit or submitted, THEN you can go on the offense. In your training, be mindful of how much you use a gi, and if the school offers no-gi classes, take them as often as possible.

You still need to work your strikes, clinch work, and takedowns/takedown defense before having an amateur fight, but that's how I'd formulate learning BJJ for MMA.

Mabey don't aim to get to a certain level in bjj then go to wrestling?,it's a lifetime journey,do both if you can :).bjj great for submission and wrestling great for takedowns,there's always room for improvement :) Id say a blue belt level for mma (good understanding of ground work)

You need no go doesn't ussally have belts you want a teacher with good takedowns leg locks sweeps and arm bars. I forget to add sub deffense you also want to pratice striking on the ground with your bjj as it helps. I'd say gjj comes at it beat from my point if view.

i recently decided to start working on my ground game cause my friend wants me to do some amateur fights with him, anyway i dont really have any wrestling experience and im not flexible enough to do head kicks anymore but my kicks arent too bad i guess. what belt should i go to before i start working on my wrestling.