> How many people could I beat up?

How many people could I beat up?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
...IF I had brass knuckles in my hand (extra thick)?

Okay, when your wearing brass knuckles you underestimate the strength so when you give them a full punch in the face you end up breaking jaws,skulls and causing comas. Do you want to go to prison? Baby,if you need brass knuckles to beat up regular guys how is a brass knuckleless you gonna survive inmates. Just don't even think about it okay.

Oh and if you need them you are clearly no martial artist.

ok were the hell should we know? there isn't some university expected number of the maximum people you can beat, with or with out a knuckle duster. the number can range from 0 to f**** if i know, depending on your skill. a knuckle duster makes your punches more dangerous, sure, but if you dont know how to fight anyone who knows what they're doing will wipe the floor with you with or with out a "extra thick" knuckle duster.

Only cowards beat people up with brass knuckles..

As Yoda would say..."A good fighter brass knuckles do not make."

It depends on if your opponent is a skilled fighter but for the average guy probably you could, on the other hand, you never know who is skilled and who is average.

If you NEED brass knuckles, you will get stomped by anyone who knows how to defend himself.

approximatly youll hurt yurrrselft

And why do you think that this question is related with martial arts?

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...IF I had brass knuckles in my hand (extra thick)?