> How many hours should i practice karate each week?

How many hours should i practice karate each week?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
how many hours should i practice karate each week so that I greatly develop my skill and at the same time do not face injuries....

The more you practice the less chance of injury. Injury only happens when you do stupid things and when you are new there are a lot of things you will do wrong. So going slow in the beginning is the key. Instruction twice a week and then you practice what you have been taught in class at home every day or at least 5-6 days a week. Classes are for instruction not practice. Practice is done at home.

Improvement really isn't about the numbers. It's about the effort. If you set aside even 30 minutes to practice, you're going to improve, but if you try and push yourself 2 or 3 hours in a day, you're going to get burnt out on it.

A beginner is going to have less to practice than someone several years in. This is an advantage as you don't need to push yourself for long periods of time to improve.

Just make an effort to practice every day and not only will you improve, you'll also discover your level of endurance. Working on something for an hour or more looks good on paper, but in reality, people hit mental and physical limitations, like little endurance walls. This is also something else that improves over time with practice.

The average person due to jobs, family, kids, girlfriends-boyfriends, hobbies e.t.c needs to count on quality and not on quantity. So...except from instruction, even if you train 3 times per week for 45 minutes long term in quality, at your own time, is enough to improve your skills injury free.

Twice a week with instructor and the rest of the week three days technique with classmate and the week end is work or cardio.

if you wanna expert you must be sacrifice more, if you just for sport or keep your fitness, i guess 2 hour X 3 day in week is enough

how many hours should i practice karate each week so that I greatly develop my skill and at the same time do not face injuries....