> How long until I get my black belt in BJJ?

How long until I get my black belt in BJJ?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Well according to bjjcoach.com as an adult you can get a black belt in approximately 5 years.

I don't know much about this program. Personally I would not be involved with any online course to learn any type of martial arts. I have no issue with having video or other media to help supplement your training. But I do not believe it can replace training with a qualified instructor. I have yet to meet anyone that was sound in their training that didn't have an instructor present to guide and teach them.

With that said I don't know if you have purchased the course or not. But I do know that no mater how quick of a study you are there is no way that you have learned the 400 techniques in 6 months. Learning bjj and other arts you need an instructor and a partner to practice against.

I've got a particular issue with this trolling because I am part of the Marcello C. Monteiro BJJ Association ,which is a legitimate school, belts aren't handed out like candy , instructors are not just automatically given association for just joining online and are subject to formal live testing with Professor Marcello himself either during seminars with him at your own academy or his based in Indianapolis,nobody learns online the videos and source materials in guide books are learning aides like anything else for a lot of BJJ practitioners who haven't the means to travel and train full time in the States or Brazil under a blackbelt, I'm fortunate enough in Ireland to be training under one of his blackbelts but others around the world aren't as lucky, BJJ is still a fledgling art form and these guides in videos and books are meant to help the art form grow . I know this d*ckhead troll won't understand or care, but I'm just putting it out there that we are a legit Association

You'll get your black belt in BJJ 2 minutes and 45 seconds after hell freezes over.

Don't feed the troll. They made this account an hour ago. Carlos was also pretty quick to answer, so I'm guessing this is one of his accounts.

LMAO. You are either trolling or you were taken for a ride. you can not learn or get a legit grading online.

That is a $hitty trolling effort.

You will get sunburnt if you keep coming out from under your bridge

When the **** hits the fan.

I have been training for nearly six months and have all my brown belt grading through them. I sent in all the fee's and the test video over a month ago, And I haven't hear a word from them. How long does this process take?

The site is bjjcoach.com.