> How long to become a legit black belt?

How long to become a legit black belt?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
The truth is you can start today and never become a black belt. There is no real time frame for earning a rank. Some people never earn it. Some people have it and shouldn't. The requirements differ depending on where you go. Each instructor's class are different.

Let it be known that the video of karate was pretty bad. hose beginners are not very good at all. The krav maga video of a guy they called sensei which is not a krav maga title nor do krav maga award color belts for rank was a mice demonstration. They worked well together as a team. It was some good acting.

I have yet to see a black belt flaunting geese at the mall. Next time you see one take a picture and share it.

To become a legit black belt you have to train in a legit school first. A Mcdojo who understands how to get money from it's students can come up with quite a lengthy curriculum too and teach you nothing. The length of time it takes you to get your black belt is no guarantee that you are not in a Mcdojo. The quality of YOUR skill usually is what determines if what you are learning is legit. I have even seen good martial artists who can not teach in a coherent manner what they know. So check out the students and see what they know.

Nobody "flaunts" there black belt anymore. It isn't 1988 when everyone thought a black belt meant something. The days of a colored belt meaning something have long passed. Ever since the explosion of MMA in the early 1990s, the only thing you need a belt for is to hold up your pants. There are MMA pros who have purple belts and brown belts in BJJ, so what does that tell you about how significant a black belt is?

If you want to learn self defense then don't take karate. Take a more realistic reality-based martial arts systems. Karate is more traditional than realistic.

For example look at this Karate video:

There is no real time frame.

But in my opinion as of now.

Age is 18. 16 at the youngest only if they show exceptional skill and the ability to apply their technique successfully.

4 yrs at the earliest. 6 at the best or more.

But at the end of the day a 1st Dan is earned

And it's not about what is around the waist. It's the knowledge you have and the ability to apply it.

10 years. That is true no matter what the human activity is. Some get there sooner, some later. I would not necessarily require that of a 1st degree black belt though.

i've starting training 4 years ago and i'm still a green belt. i believe the place i train is at is quite legit, i know my punches, takedowns, kicks, knees, and we spar with each other a lot. so in order to get a black belt my instructor told me around 10 years and maybe a little bit earlier if you have lots of dedication and skill. it might depend though if you don't have the drive and don't care as much as others. make sure you stick with it because if you don't train for a few weeks your skill is going to deteriorate and you'll have to start over again. good luck! :]

How long is a piece of string?

I want to start karate and I want to learn self defense. The reason I said "legit" was to distinguish myself from the superficial beginners who want to go to the mall in their geese with their black belt and flaunt it. I just care about the skill.