> How does your average day look like?

How does your average day look like?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
How much do you train and how much focus do you put into martial arts?

How does you average day look like with work, training, life in general and so on?

Hmm....average day.

I go up at 6 and I go for a run. Have done that for years now. Really wakes me up in the morning. Especially now when it's a bit chilly out. I get home, I make my girlfriend and me breakfast and go to work. Depending on how much work I have I'll be home between 2 pm and 7 pm. My pay isn't dependent on how many hours I work. As long as I get the job done it doesn't matter if I work 20 hours/week or 80 hours/week.

After work I either go and do bjj, mauy thai or parkour. Parkour is something I just recently discovered through a friend. It's excellent exercise, I love the people there and it's a lot of fun. I try to train something at least 4-5 times/week. I would like to go fights again in a martial arts, like I did boxing a couple of years ago but life always seems to get in the way. But maybe that's just an excuse.

After training I either go home, go out to play pool with my friends or I go to see my gf. That's about an average day.

I'd like to put in more effort into martial arts since I'm not the fighter I used to be. I used to train 6 days/week, 4 hours/day. That's not me anymore. I have other things to do, other goals in life, different dreams than I had a few years ago. We all grow up one day, right?

Each day is different i cant really say on any particular day, i have a regular patern but it's what i do to full in the gaps that breaks the norm, in my younger days it use to be martial arts everything but as life progresses that changed big time, i dont get to study martial arts as much as i did before.

Solo Dad, so during the week, up at 5 or 6, get kids ready for and take to school and daycare, clean and do chores, pick up kids, feed and clean them, but also busy with kids sports Rugby and Netball, plus volunteer on daycare commity & school in regard to kapahaka and mau raukau(maori performance and weapon training).

Training for fittness isnt a high priority but trying to stay healthy is, every 2nd weekend when i dont have the kids il try and go hunting or do something outdoor's, i live by the ocean and surrounded by mountains so there is plenty to do.

I live a busy but good lifestyle.

On a non moving day:

1) Get up at dawn to start cooking,hunting,buying or scavenging breakfast.

2)Feed dad and five brothers

3) Train and spar for about 3 hours with brothers.

4) Work. Fix motorbikes on a good day, I enjoy it and it's an easy cash in hand job, or street perform with the other girls in my Vista on a bad day. (I don't mind I suppose, but belly dancing can go either way with the public, they either love us for it or hate us for it. Also some people love it TOO much if you know what I mean...)

5) Find the local martial arts facility, introduce myself and train for as long as I can in whatever art is available (that i have prior experience to)

6)Go back to camp and do chores, ignore the jerks who disapprove of my love for the arts. Practice singing.

7)Avoid Brishen until he gets the message

8) Go for a run around the camp perimeter or woods if their available.


On a moving day:

1 and 2 are the same

3)Pack up the whole caravan

4)Attach horses to caravans

5) Let everyone else get a head start whilst I wander around the local town,city or village saying goodbye to the people I trained with there, I don't like to just leave without saying goodbye.

6)Catch up on my motorbike

7) Travel until destination is reached. I while away time by going on thing like YA. ;)

Nothing too exciting.


Wake up.

Get Dressed

Train for an hour

Take a shower

Eat breakfast

Brush teeth



Chill or Train some more





It varies. Somedays I hang out with friends, go hiking, anything.

Work, chores during the day, training and teaching in the evening Mo-Fri. Training Sat morning, work chores in the afternoon, rest Sunday. Boring, I know.

wdy stfu

How much do you train and how much focus do you put into martial arts?

How does you average day look like with work, training, life in general and so on?