> How does JKD deal with a knife attack?

How does JKD deal with a knife attack?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
how to do it according to jkd philosophy?

One of the best ways JKD deals with a knife attack is with it's kali training. In Filipino kali, aka eskrima/arnis, the student learns how to "defang the snake." That means you learn to strike the wrist of your opponent who is wielding a striking, stabbing, or slashing weapon.

It does. Since JKD is a concept. Not physical manifestation. It means that using a gun is JKD. Using helicopter is JKD.

However from my perspective, I highly doubt any knife defense systems. Seriously doubting them. Even if they work, they take a long time to learn and apply. They also work to 0 efficiency if the man you're attacking knows your ways and has his ways to counter with his knife.

As leo says.... The things you can do with a knife are as varied as the things you can do without. You might be confronted with anything from an unskilled slasher to a highly-trained FMA practitioner.

Most JKD techniques rely on fast, accurate blows to the opponent's weakest targets.

Deflect-eye strike. Feint-knee kick. If you are fit, departing the scene is a good option... Dan Inosanto (Lee's old training partner) says that attempting to defend unarmed against a skilled knife-man is a loosing proposition.

If running is out of the question, then the employment of ANY weapon will be of aid. Chair, trash-can lid, broomstick.. Whatever might be at hand will help.

Of course, Glock is a viable option as well.....

JKD isn't a philosophy, it has one. One cannot face any physical confrontation with a philosophy. Do some research, you won't find one warrior on a battlefield, ever, that didn't use their body as a weapon somehow, be it wielding a sword or gun. Shouting, "absorb my words and fall down because I reject you as useless, is a good way to wind up like Pugs. It means you have never been near a battlefield. JKD deals with a knife.

46 years researching doesn't mean a person is good at it, it just means they listened to the same parrot for 46 years, teaching what the parrot said, I guess you could call that 40 years of teaching, but it is actually just a poor form of imitation, it is instructing, not teaching. Ask yourself, what kind of teacher is afraid to answer questions? Also, the art he claims to have inherited is a McArt, it's not recognized as an art.

A lot of people that say JKD is a philosophy are akin to bible thumpers/Evangelists. They say something with passion and think it is true, and become very evasive when put on the spot to prove what they say is true. Bruce Lee taught specific methods to punch, that is a technique. This is something someone that has never studied can understand, but, apparently, isn't part of researching for 46 years. Now he will come along and say he studied with a Lee groupie. he groupie, Larry Hartsell, was one of the first to prostitute the art. Any student of JKD knows Lee told Inosanto, "Let's not prostitute the art" So ask yourself how someone is teaching Pugs 2 years after Lee died, and has any respect for, or knowledge of Lee? I found out about that quote 15 years after he died, and it was one of the things that made me look at what I had been learning and think, if I know this, how can guys like Inosanto and Hartsell be selling the art in seminars? People that do seminars do it purely for cash, responsible teaching disallows teaching even basics to anyone that has a few bucks.

You need to begin learning again, because the philosophy approach only takes one down a path of confusion.

edit - Pugs, Only a weak man would consider that a personal attack, seeking the sympathy and support of others. Anytime a McTeacher is confronted with opposition to statements they can't back up, they call it arguing or a personal attack. You can remove your handle if you like, I am questioning and stating the text next to the handle is bs, I could care less what "name" represents it.

As I have said, you may be a good fighter, I don't care about your abilities. Contrary to your belief, I do know about your knowledge and that comes from you contradicting yourself time and again in regard to JKD. Mike Tyson is a hell of a fighter, and one of the dumbest human beings to ever live. Knowledge and ability to apply are mutually exclusive. A 40 year teacher should know that.

Check some psych evaluations by leading educators in the field, see what they have to say about people that constantly recite their achievements. Diagnosis? Insecure. Why do people return to McDonalds in the trillions? They like crappy burgers, or have no point of reference to know they are crappy burgers.

JKD is a philosophy, not a martial arts style. So it has no techniques itself.

Edit: Guess JKD disciple has a bug up his rear about me. You sure did go out of your way to attack me. Does that make you feel better? you know nothing of my knowledge or ability, yet you attack it. So why is it that several of the seniors here respect me enough to want to come back this year and train with me again?

JKD disciple By the way..... I never said I inherited any art. Where did you get that idea?

JKD disciple Two comments for you..... I think you should re-read your whole answer. you say that you are not attacking me. Then why is it that almost your whole answer is directed at me? And I'd like to know what contradictory things I have said about JKD?


200 metter sprint second to that would be putting your arm in danger and possibly getting stabbed in the arm to land a groin strikes palms to the face whatever will end it is jkd philosophy when your shits in danger.

First of all, there is more than one way to threaten with a knife. Regardless of your training style, effective knife defense must provide for all eventualities. There is no single way to effectively handle all types of knife attacks. That being said, I would favor using a kick, because legs are longer than arms and shoes and pant legs may deflect the cutting edge.

1. Get off the line of attack.

2. Options from here are almost unlimited.

You know it doesn't say in the Tao of Jeet Kune Do but the recent Jeet Kune Do practicioners know they practice self defense.

how to do it according to jkd philosophy?