> How do you knock someone out without accidentally killing them?

How do you knock someone out without accidentally killing them?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
If you don't want to risk killing them, don't knock them out in the first place. Many people under-estimate being knocked unconscious. It's not just a nap, it's an injury to the head. It can be fatal or cause permanent damage.

Know what you are doing.

There are great techniques that when trained to become proficient in dramatically cut down risk of injury or death by rendering someone unconscious.

There are tranquilizers, and many chemical compounds that when known the right dosages can be administered to render someone unconscious without killing them.

However "accidents" are just that, accidents. You could accidently kill someone just by tripping on a curb and stumbling into someone wrong. Add to the fact you are intentionally trying to render someone unconscious and the risk for accidental injury goes up.

Being knocked out is when the brain bounces in the skull and hits the skull and goes into shock. it shuts down to protect itself. Concussion or being knocked out are trauma to the brain and if that trauma is enough then it can be death. There is no fine line to measure when it will happen so whenever i see someone knocked out i cringe wondering if today will be the day they dont come too..

If a person dies as a result of you having "knocked them out" its not an accident. Get your head around this first.

There are real harsh sentences for that now cause there is always a risk of killing someone. You never know their history.

there is no guarantees when knocking someone out,

a knockout is the side effect of a concussion, and people dont always wake up from them.

if it is from a choke and you hold it too long you can still kill them. this is why it is know illegal for police to do choke holds

Joe we don't know these things as martial artists with control.

Smack the tw@t in the jaw.

Gotta be black