> How do you get out of a taekwondo contract?

How do you get out of a taekwondo contract?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Your 2 year contract is up soon. Tell your folks about it so at least they don't sign you up again. If it were me, I'd cut my losses and never go again. But, your parents might force you to go; if you mention the abuses you suffer there, perhaps they'll change their mind.

But now you know to about schools with contracts.

Why not out the school? Right here - right now?

Curious... what state are you in? Most states consider martial arts schools as "health clubs" and as such, they are restricted from more than a 1 year contract. *If* this is the case, you could walk away free and clear - the contract is non-binding, since it's not a legal contract. As it is only 3-4 months away, you're not likely to prevail in court or negotiating a way out.

If you really wanted a way out, hire a lawyer.

If they are paying you by the hour and you don't show up for work, so they don't pay you for what you have not worked, how is this abuse? Of course they are not going to pay you when you don't show up. Welcome to the real world. This is never going to fly as an abuse argument.

You tested for Shodan 2 years ago and you already expect to test for a nidan? This too is not going to fly as in most schools it takes longer than 2 years to get to the next rank in the black belts.

I am not trying to be mean and I understand that you lost interest but you have to come up with better arguments that the fault really lies with these guys and is not simply that you don't like it anymore and are trying to find fault with them.

You have 2 more months to go. Start your driver's ed in fall or winter after there is no expense for your Taek Won Do classes and buy less designer clothes for school to help out your parents. With 2 months to go on your contract by the time you fight over if you should pay for the two months or not the two months will be up and I doubt they will issue a refund once they got the money.

Still want to fight it? Try small claims courts. Don't need a lawyer for that and it's the cheapest way but you will have to have better arguments than you have listed to win that and convince a judge that you did not just get tired of your classes. There will still be the court expenses for which you are responsible and if you lose it will set you back even further than what you already are.

Hi, my parents signed a 2 year contract for me after I got my black belt in 2012. I worked there for about a year and half and I quit in February because the master wasn't as nice as he seemed. He would embarrass you in front of the students, parents, and the other staff members. We would have a staff meeting every Friday night and if you missed one staff meeting he would take away an hours pay from you. While I worked there I was basically ignored when I took classes by all the instructors. I liked it before I worked there but now I hate it. I feel bad because my parents are paying so much for it every month for me to go once or twice a week. I'm not even moving up levels in my belt because I'm not testing for my second degree so it's a waste of money. The contract ends in November but I don't want to wait that long because school is coming up next month and registration, school supplies, and clothes are going to be really expensive. And I'm going to start taking drivers ed this year which is also expensive. Any ideas on how to get out of this?