> How do you fight someone who is faster than you.?

How do you fight someone who is faster than you.?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Any techniques or strategys? I know the obvious answer is to get faster and how might you sharpen your own reflexes.

ground and pound

A fast person is usually an inaccurate person. Not all the time though. Being fast will also tire a person out, well faster. The best thing to do is counter strike. That means be precise when you attack, wait.

Now Counter Striking is hard, especially for a untrained person, I mean you have to have great defense.

But in my opinion a Good Counter striker will dominate a fast striker 9/10 times.

Look at Kampmann vs. Ellenberger, Kampmann won by being patient and waiting for his time to strike.*It's like chess, as Jw, put be ahead of him.

Good luck dude.

Never ever try to follow his technique. If he's that fast. Always keep your guard about the source of where it comes from. E.g. keep checking his shoulders, not his fists. Check his hips instead of his leg. Check his positioning and angle instead of just counter attacking his technique.

Having good martial mechanics knowledge and detection would help you. Bracing, or trying to get a defensive pose only works in sports where it's okay to brace and take a few punch or 2. It doesn't work if he possesses something other than his fists. Plus a stronger guy is almost impossible to block or shield or clinch up without him doing severe damage.

I particularly like JWbull's answer. He knows his stuff. Like Bruce Lee once said. 'Don't defend. Attack his attack.'

I like JWs answer but that involves you being quicker mentally and having the experience to read moves sadly not everyone has that, actually, very few people have that, especially if the other guy has more experience than you do.

Figure out where you have advantages.

If you can take a few good hits close with them, force them into a corner or just stand and trade with them, speed multiplies force but people who rely completely on speed usually lack a great deal of force to begin with, for example they don't have a solid grounding for power which enables them to move more freely and as a result quicker.

If you have the endurance go for an in-out boxing style and make them chase you and wear themselves down.

If you have the power grab them. Speed is damn near irrelevant in a clinch.

This is assuming you have any kind of advantage, if you don't then you're just going to have to try your damndest and learn as much as you can from the beating you're going to recieve.

Im not sure of the system you train in but that happens to me a bit nowadays ,getting older lol.

if i can stick in range il over power them with accurate hard hits, if they like to maneuver around faster, il wait until im again in range pounce get ahold of them, depends on the situation and who you're in it with, it takes time to develop yourself, really if you want to get good at fighting you have to fight good fighters and have sound instruction and training, but it does take time, there are finer details i could go into but thats up to your teacher to instill in you. I will point out one thing , don't hold yourself tight and tense, learn to relax and tense at the right instance.

You have to have a good defensive cover, and counter punch well. Make sure you use lateral and angular movement of your head and body to limit the strikes that make contact with you. Keep a distance that forces them to commit (if not over commit) to their attack, while allowing you to cover quickly and counter attack. When you strike, make sure you don't allow your strike to hang out after throwing it. Whether or not it lands make sure you retract it quickly to return to a protective guard position.

Focus on the area at the base of their throat just along the collar line. This allows your peripheral vision to access your reflexive responses better which will quicken your reactions. Additionally, don't think about "hitting" your target. When you do so it tends to cause you to tighten your muscles first (thinking to gain strength in your punch) which actually slows your movement. Think of it as "touching" your target with force. Move to touch the target as quickly as you can and then lock your muscles at the moment of impact to create force. You should target 2-3 inches beyond the surface of your target for penetration to increase the effectiveness of your strike. Immediately after "touching" your target, retract your hand/foot (in a separate movement) to guard and re-establish your base defense. DO NOT LET YOUR HAND/FOOT "BOUNCE" OFF YOUR TARGET! Strike through your target, then pull your hand/foot back. Remember to breath as evenly as you can, and move to change your target exposure to your opponent. That's the most advice I can give you without being with you to demonstrate and help you make adjustments.

Learn timing. You don't have to be faster than the other guy if you can become proficient in half and quarter beats (just like in music if you play any instrument).

Most people don't go beyond a simple consistent rhythm, if you can learn to change it around even a fast guy will think you are faster because you would be throwing his timing off by going from full beat to quarter to half etc. so going from hit....hit...hit to hit.hit......hit.hithit messes a guy who does hit...hit...hit.........hit...hit...hit

I fought this really fast guy once and he thought he was all that until I took out his arm and leg with a hidden sand lock. I threw out my coon sand and defeated him with a knockout. He never tried to fight me again.

When he comes running at you, stick your foot out and let him run in to your foot then end the fight with a few punches.

your techniques must be strong and powerful. i've knocked out many faster opponents

You don't have to be faster. You just have to be ahead of them in their attacks.

Any techniques or strategys? I know the obvious answer is to get faster and how might you sharpen your own reflexes.