> How do you fight multiple people at the same time?

How do you fight multiple people at the same time?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
There is a rule in travelling in the wilderness. Never travel alone. Because to outrun a bear, you need only outrun your partner. (which means, rule number two: be sure you're not the slowest in your group!)

Seriously, though: you don't fight multiple at a time, only one at a time. When there are multiple people attacking you, then, you need to pay close attention to your position and what you do with the one person you ARE fighting. If you have someone in a hold and are preparing to throw them, you have several choices. You could throw him into oncoming traffic and hope for the best. You could throw him into a brick wall. Or you could throw him into one of the other attackers. You could just throw him safely somewhere neutral. Which choice you choose depends on your ethics, and the desperation of the situation, and the availability of walls and traffic.

The important thing is the awareness of your options. Too often, we teach to put someone in a pin, for example, yet no one questions the obvious: "what if there's another opponent to worry about?"

Fighting multiple is not like in the movies. If you closely watch movies, the "multiple" people are actually taking turns attacking one person, effectively making it a one-on-one with rotations of one of the "ones". This is not multiple attackers. Multiple attackers is when 2 or 3 or 10 guys are stomping the life out of you, who is on the ground. The goal in all self-defense, be it against one or many, is to survive.

In Tang Soo Do, when we spar two on one, you're supposed to try to line them up by moving around constantly. If you are fast enough, it will be like fighting only one person at a time because the others will have difficulty getting around the guy in front of you to be close enough to hit you. It's not easy though, you have to be more fit than the guys attacking you to do this.

Self defense is all you can really do. your pretty much getting jumped.

Aikido has free-sparring with multiple people, which bolsters your reflexes and awareness in a fight.

You don't unless you are going to be a victim.

There are strategies that can be taught on how to defend yourself against multiple attackers. Most people have no idea of what to do. However, the objective is not to fight them. It is t survive and escape. It is never about beating the others up. The odds are not in your favor.

If you can't run, don't have any weapons, can't pick up something to use it was a weapon and can't call for help, the only thing you can do is use use the most brutal possible techniques. I'd recommend avoiding grappling and rely on striking: eye pokes, neck strikes, groin strikes, kicking to the front of the knee and biting. You need to incapacitate each person as fast as possible and retreat the entire time. It's incredibly difficult to attack someone who is retreating. Look at machida in the ufc and Floyd mayweather. They never engage and barely fight but they can't be punished because they're running away the whole time

Learn to run faster then them.

Even an experienced person would have trouble dealing with multiple opponents and most instructors that train people to fight multiple opponents don't teach it properly. Very few do. It doesn't take much for multiple people to over whelm you.