> How do you fight a smaller/potentially stronger opponent?

How do you fight a smaller/potentially stronger opponent?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
First and foremost make sure you are doing it for the right reasons. With that said lets look at his background against yours. He is a wrestler, so he is very familiar with close quarters combat and should be very good with "hand fighting" and gaining leverage. Now how good a wrestler is he? Not saying he is on this level or anywhere near it, but there is a reason the most successful MMA fighters have a wrestling background. Can you stop a takedown? How good are your hands? Does he have a reputation to being a fighter? Are you a fighter? There are so many things that could be covered.

Simple solution: No matter if you win or lose stand up for yourself no matter what. If he swings at you again or hits you, don't hesitate and pop him either on the chin or nose. Now if he is a fighter you better be ready to throw hands and fight. Or who knows you may surprise him and he may back down.

Don't ever let someone "bully" you for any reason at all.

My best advice is the element of surprise. If he is a wrestler, he probably can get on the floor easily. If you want to beat the **** out of him quickly, aim to come from behind, and hit him in the knees, knocking him over. Then, just stop him from fighting back, and also, try to inflict as much pain as possible, without doing serious damage. The best way to do this is to target pressure points, like grabbing the fat/skin behind his knee. Finally, make sure it's safe, you don't want a teacher finding out you randomly beat the crap out of someone.

P.S. Please send me a message about what happens.

I bet he is gay, most people who are homophobic tend to have gay tendancies or be brained washed by religion practices, they are people insecure in themselves and fearful of being who they are. So they take it out on someone else and then make them the brunt of the jokes to reflect suspiscion. He is hitting you in the balls which is something that is not common for most teen boys to do so maybe he is umm trying to rub you up but knows he cant do that so perhaps this is his only way.

Who cares about reputation, i know high school is a tough place but fighting someone to make yourself look better is thuggish and ridiculous. what happens if you hit him and he falls and hits his head and dies, trust me it happens ALL the time. Then you will be charged with manslaughter and when you consider they will seize you computer and find your question on here they may charge you with murder because it was planned. Then everyone offering you advice on here is culpable and responsible for a crime.

I look at people like this guy and feel sorry for them, that something is so messed up in their life and their head that they feel the need to do this.

If he attacks you and it is self defense then so be it, but asking for advice to fight will never help you in a million years.

Are you gay? Then who cares what he says. Learn to ignore people.

Making a stupid decision like fighting him will not "keep your reputation," it will ruin it by getting you in serious trouble. Have some respect for yourself and don't fight. Who cares what other people say. And there's no way anyone here is going to give you tips on how to hurt someone. Report him to the principal if he's bothering you. Be smart and don't fight.

Now go forth, and don't fight.

This is not a martial arts question, really. We do not advise on how to settle schoolyard disputes. The proper thing to do is contact a responsible adult, preferably a teacher or other staff member.

Go get a pellet gun and snipe him till he stops.

Okay so here's the deal. There's this kid at school. He calls me gay and all that crap even though I have dated way more girls than him. But whenever I bring that up, he says people can change their sexuality. But I'm sure as hell I'm still straight. Occasionally he might punch me in the balls or do something that he might view as painful. I'm really getting fed up with all his crap. I'm roughly 5'11" and he is about 5'6." I'm fairly skinny (135 Ibs), but I do work out. He might be shorter than me but he probably weighs more. I'm not sure about his strength and fighting ability though. I know he does one sport which is wrestling. But I do soccer, lacrosse, and basketball. So I'm in pretty good shape. The only thing I'm worried about is losing to him, if I do end up challenging him to a fight, which I most likely will challenge him. The only reason I want to fight him is 1: To keep my reputation, and 2: To knock him back into line. Already he is affecting my rep, and I don't want to be viewed as, "The boy who wouldn't fight." All answers are welcome, except for that sh*t about "Don't seek revenge," because I want to beat the living crap out of this kid. Thanks