> How do i win this fight?

How do i win this fight?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Okay I'd advise you to check out videos which tell you how to block and parry off any strikes he throws at you. The most important thing in a fight is that you can protect yourself from oncoming attacks. You probably remember how to do this from your kickboxing, but it's really important that you can deflect punches well

You will not master techniques in a few days. Keep your hands up no matter what. And the minute you throw a punch, it better come back as fast as it goes out. If you kick, kick low at the knee and catch him off guard. School fights end quick. You don't have to watch videos on how to escape holds, lol. The fight may last 45 seconds, if that. Best way to win a fight is avoiding it.

Well you're obviously fitter. For a while, you'll want to get out of the way, and wear him down a bit. Kicks suck in actual fights, unless they're at the shins. Work on a couple boxing style strikes, (jab, cross, uppercut and hook) which should be relatively easy to find tutorials for and to learn. Once he's a bit tired, his guard should drop. Aim for the nose and the stomach. If the fight ends up on the ground in a wrestling match, just try and get him in a choke. And use elbows and knees. That's all the advice I can give there, it's not something I've practiced. Good luck!


You don't want to take good advice.

You want to watch a video to fight a kid you feel will beat you. And you're worried about being called names.

At 15 it's time for you to start to grow up some.

If not they'll not only call you the kid that got beat up but also the one that got suspended.

You may not believe this but some of us didn't like to fight at your age. But in my case, I was just your average thin kid. I was quite and didn't mess with people. But I also knew how to stand up for myself and if need be would fight. Thankfully I didn't have to fight much but the few times I did were situations where a bully actually struck me and let me no options. This was also way before all of the insane rules about massive suspensions, and disciplinary actions. It was also way before I took up martial arts.

My point is that if you HAVE to fight you fight because you have no choice. You deal with the possible consequences later. But coming online and posting some sob story about how you "have to fight" and needing help is just lame.

And it's lame because you won't get anything out of a video. You wouldn't even get much out of a few weeks in the dojo (except for maybe a good beating if you could even find someone willing to work with you). And I say this because you're asking about blocks and counter punches and because you're intimidated.

The bottom line is if you need help with basics, and you're intimidated you've lost. So give up the idea of wining a fight you shouldn't be in. Defend yourself if you have to but do your best to avoid that kind of situation.

And I'll say that you're not only going to get beat up but you're also a fool for thinking of fighting. And the only way for you to save face is to man up, accept some ribbing and grow some thicker skin.

im getting into my first fight with a guy the same size as me. we both weigh 135 and are 15. i am way more athletic than he is and i play competitive basketball so my hand eye coordination, balance, and reflexes are probably better than him. However, he seems to be more confident than i am and that intimidates me. anyways, is there any videos that can show me the basics or street fighting that i can learn in a few days? and dont tell me not to fight because im not gonna be known as the school *****. i also did kickboxing a few years back and i remember some of the basics. i just need a really good link to a video showing how to block and counter punches