> How do i become a Shaolin Monk?

How do i become a Shaolin Monk?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I'll drop the word Shaolin for another word, Buddhist. So, you aspire to be a Buddhist monk.

These are the steps to take: 1. Enrol into a Sunday class in a Buddhist Temple nearby you and start learning the fundamentals of Buddhism in English. The teaching of the Buddha-Dhamma is progressive. If you are committed to this once a week regime, you should have a good idea of the religion after 3 years. At that time, you can decide whether you are serious about being a monk. If you are not, but you are still interested in Buddhism, then you can take it up in a university that offers the subject as a major. 2. You can at the same time, give your time to a Buddhist temple, and help out. By the time you graduated, you should be about 20 years of age. 3. At this point in time, if you still have that urge to be a monk, then talk to the abbot of the temple you are helping out of your wish, but only after having your parents' permission. Yes, according to tradition, if your parents are still around, you have to obtain their consent, and if you are also married, you need to get the agreement from your wife as well. You cannot just leave home.

Once accepted by the temple, you are first ordained as a novice for a couple of years while the ordination monk observe your behaviour and character during those years while you begin to observe the regimen and the many rules governing the members of the Sangha (the order of monks and nuns). If the temple is not happy with your behaviour and character during the noviceship, you can be kicked out. Once you are accepted to be a monk, you are then required to go through another formality where you are required to accept the 225 precepts as laid down by Lord Buddha, 2500 years ago, and you are then on a journey of self-discovery and emancipation. Your duties as a monk will mainly include: temple maintenance, dhamma-studies, reciting suttas, meditation, attending to congregations, giving religious talks, teaching the Buddha-dhamma in Sunday classes, teaching meditation, teaching suttas, counselling and guiding novices and junior monks. See, no martial arts.

Martial arts training is inconsequential and is therefore, not the main purpose of being a Buddhist monk.

But, if you insist to be a Shaolin monk one day, then on top of all that is said before, you have to be seriously immersed into the Chinese language of both varieties, modern and classical. You should start now with the Chinese language if you are that serious about going to Shaolin Temple in China. Otherwise, try asking at the Shaolin Temple in USA, but I doubt that they have any senior monks to be your ordination and precepting monks nor are they operating the place as a bona-fide Buddhist Temple. The next best alternative is the Temple of 10,000 Buddhas in LA, a fully functional Buddhist Temple but they are not Shaolin.

You know nothing about being a monk much less being a Shaolin Monk. A Shaolin monk is dedicated to his Buddhism religion FIRST. Being a martial artist is secondary at best. A monk is dedicated to the spread and work of his religious order which is a bit contrived considering the Chinese Communist Party controls all form of religion in China.

14 years old and you already know what you want. Will be careful of what you wish for.

This is more for the religious section rather than the martial arts section. You should become a monk because you believe what they believe and their spirituality appeals to you and that is what is in your heart, not because you think Shaolin Kung Fu is great or because your like your head shaved and get up early in the morning. The physical training for a monk is secondary.

See if there is a Buddhist Meditation center in your area. They often teach meditation for free. It would be a great reality check for you without a lot of expense so start there and see if this really is for you.

It's a hard life. As above user mentioned.. you probably (as in 99% chance that you) aren't ready for it. You apparently don't even know what you'd be giving up by doing so.

You probably think it's just lots of physical and mental training, getting up early and shaving your hair. Noo kiddo. You probably wouldn't last long at all, I'd be surprised if you did because you seem to lack a lot of knowledge.

You might have seen Shaolin martial arts and want to become like that, to be strong like that. That's fine to be inspirited.. but to become a monk. Damn, that's true dedication. You're too young to understand.

Give it up, seriously. It's for the better. No disrespect for Shaolin monks, but you don't really know what you're getting into.

Its easy go to a shaoiln temple to practice bubbism but as your 14 u cant till u are old enough or get permission from your parents. But to be a monk is more than just the kung fu its a religion that u must practice

Learn Chinese...

Don't you have to cut your balls off?

Iv always wanted to be a Shaolin Monk ever since i started Shaolin kung fu here in my country. I would do anything to be a Monk shave all my hair,get up really early.i would even train the hardest i could.

So please help me im only 14 and this is my dream to become a Shaolin Monk.