> How do i ask this girl to homecoming?

How do i ask this girl to homecoming?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I see nothing wrong with the spirit of what you're trying to do. But, you're showing off, and you run the risk of rejection or causing her to accept your invitation even though she plans to back out later.

If you really want to go down the martial arts road, then, do these things. It'll make you a class act:

1) Have your instructor teach you a traditional Korean bow, then practice it. It must never be done quickly, or you look like a fool. A man begging for forgiveness or permission will wait 3 seconds on the kneeling part. Your instructor will explain.

2) Buy a small bouquet of flowers and a corsage

3) Arrange to meet with her parents

4) Show up in a *clean* and *pressed* TangSooDo uniform, wear deodorant, look presentable. Ditch the earrings, large jewelry, and any piercings, and wear a watch.

5) Give the flowers to mom

6) Look dad in the eye, and with all humility and humbleness, first perform the traditional bow (hold for 3 secs on the kneeling part), complete it, wait a second, then slowly and humbly ask for his permission to take HIS DAUGHTER to the prom

7) Be prepared to answer any questions he might throw at you

8) If he ultimately says yes, give the girl your corsage.

9) Thank dad for his permission


Tips for impressing dad:

a) He doesn't care what you think about anything, unless he asks you about it first.

b) Dad is always right. Never argue with him.

c) Don't speak louder than him

d) Look him in the eye when answering him, but don't stare at him.

e) Whether he complains or compliments you, smile. Don't laugh, just smile.

f) Be prepared to have acceptable transportation back to his house. Having your friends drive you back is not acceptable.

g) Do not park in the driveway.

h) Never criticize anything he talks about.

i) Never bring up the subject of religion or politics. Ever.

j) Know ahead of time what his favorite sports teams are. Know about the team and players, and form an opinion about their next game.

k) The doorbell is on the house next to the doorknob - not inside the steering wheel.

l) You're not marrying her, so don't worry about careers, heath care, or children. If these subjects DO come up, you've just scored a homerun. Relax.

The problem with your method is that you are basing this event off of what you would want. It's like trying to force a technique when you are sparring. It's doomed for failure. Instead you have to read the want of the other person and choose the technique that would work against that person. Unless the girl is interested in martial arts you would get a no, and even if she was interested she would get much better showing off of the no. Find out what she's into and try to be more romantic about it. gl, hf, dd.

Not like that. There is a time and a place for everything and this is not the time or the place to advertise your martial arts trying to impress her. You come across as totally desperate and waaaay over the top. You come on way too strong and self centered.

Just act normal and ask her. This is not exactly like you are proposing to her and even then, I would say this is not appropriate either. Remember this is not about you. It is about the girl. Be considerate and make it about her if you want to impress her and not all about you.

That is NOT how you impress a girl. Especially the confetti,she will be so embarrassed! Just ask her out like "sooo.. You got a date for homecoming yet?no? Well I love it if you came with me?"

If you do your plan your come across as very self centred in yourself. Like "it's ALL about me and MY hobbies"

Good luck.

You know, I was of the opinion that experience was better than anything we could give you.

But reading this question makes it damn clear that in some cases, experience is probably not what's wanted.

Christ on a bike, for your sake thank F*CK you asked this question before actually pulling any of that crap off.

Seriously, just ask her normally. Lilith and LIONDANCER have excellent answers for your question.

Do not go through all of that trouble for a date to the prom. You are going to look extremely foolish, and feel extremely foolish, if she says no. Just go up to her and ask her out like you would ask any person to do something fun with you. She will either say yes or no and life will continue on. It is just the prom, not a wedding.

From this question alone I am positive that you are at a McDojo. You are obviously a teen and you're a second degree black belt. You might be trolling as well. May I suggest investing a few hours in the religion and spirituality section. They have professional trolls. Learn from them.

Leave the martial arts in the dojang. This is stupid and ridiculous.

Don't do that - whatever you do - you just sound crazy. Please, so that you have friends going forward - just ask her without any martial arts at all.

I am putting this in the martial arts section on purpose.

There is this girl that I am friends with, but I have developed feelings for her. I wanted to ask her to homecoming with it only being 3 months away. I am a second degree black belt in tang soo do and I wanted to ask her in a creative way involving martial arts. My Idea was to have a poster that would say "Cristina, it would break my heart and possibly my hand if you don't go to homecoming with me." If she were to say no, I would break a stack of concrete slabs with a picture of a heart painted on it. If she said yes, I would give her a bouquet of roses and her favorite candy. I am also an assistant instructor at my do jang, so I can have some of my students fire off confetti cannons in the process of me asking her. I just wanted to know if this idea is good or bad or if there is a better way I can go about asking her out.