> How do I defeat multiple attackers?

How do I defeat multiple attackers?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
While some people talk about fighting multiple attackers like it is normal and something that can be done easily. Fighting multiple attacker is most often a good way to get your Butt handed to you. I don't care what a persons training is the odds of winning a fight against multiple attackers is low. So you are right about your training being unrealistic. Most multiple attacker situations means that they rush you all at the same time and you are overwhelmed by them. Once they have you like that it is rare that anyone gets away. Sure there are some tips that are good ideas for fighting multiple attackers, but they usually involve things that you simply can't control. things like trying to keep the closest attacker in the way of the guys behind him assume that the situation is one where you have that option. Trust me any group that is dead set on kicking your *** will find a way to do it. Group attacks do not play fair in any way. They come in a group because they want to be sure they get you instead of you getting them.


In short it's going to be about lining up opponents, moral managing, and survival. And the thing is you don't win multiple attackers you survive it. If you come out without any serious injuries that in itself is a victory.

You are correct in that multiple opponents will not just wait for you to fight one on one. On the other hand that's exactly what you want to do. (because if you are surrounded then you'll have to defend against and attack at multiple sources, and you only have 2 arms and 2 legs) Key here is mobility. Keep moving to so that you are engaging one person and you have the rest of the goons behind that person. If they start to get around that person then move to another angle or another person, so that you always have one person in front and the rest behind that one person. The idea is to make that one person be your shield against all the other attackers. This requires mobility to pull off so try to avoid grappling and definitely avoid the ground. If the other person engages in grappling or takes you to the ground try to make the most effective movements to get out of that situation.

The other part is moral management. You can't hope to win against all opponents fully engaging all of them. There is just too much stacked against you. What you have to do is break their will to continue. They will have initially engaged you with the goal of taking money, just to have fun, or other reasons. The idea is to make this so hard that it doesn't seem worth that goal anymore. To make them think this way you should target the most timid and weak guy in the group first. Try to deal great amount of damage to that guy. If you knock him out, then the others will see that you can hurt them. This will hurt their moral and they will be more careful with their offensive movements. That's great for you because that'll give you more time to deal out damage to the next guy. You just need to keep going in this fashion until they decide to stop fighting or run away. Simple in theory, but very difficult in practice. By the way, even if you can't knock out the smallest guy it's alright. If you do enough damage then that guy will start backing out and stay on the fringe away from the fight. That will lessen their offensive either way. Get enough people to sideline and people will start to lose heart.

Of course you have to balance both of these parts(lining up and moral damaging) at the same time. Which is why the whole thing is very difficult and almost impossible. And if you catch the wrong crowd you might just have to fight all of them to survive.

As others mentioned weapons are a good lever in these situations. However, you need to train in weapons like all martial arts, and without training a weapon could be useless(like not being able to draw the weapon) or even dangerous(failing at draw and dropping the weapon or getting the weapon taken away after the draw). Also if you are considering weapons check with your local laws on the availability for carry. For example many states have rules on carry of firearms. You can't just put one in a holster and go out just because you legally purchased it.

The best thing to do against multiple attackers is find an easy route to escape. This is unrealistic. The movies are total hogwash. If you ever notice in the movies when the hero beats multiple attackers everyone is just standing around the hero dispatches one and then the other individual comes for his turn. In reality the group would bum rush you then stomp you. If you are fighting more than one guy say two and they are skilled fighters you are in trouble.

Growing up around gang and witnessing their attacks they are not the most organized. They hit from any ans every angle. Usually it is one at a time. While you are facing one then someone hits you from behind then another and another. At that point you don't know where you are getting hit or where it will come from next. You are probable going to fall and several will kick you while you are down.

The idea that you are going to try to defeat them is not realistic. Your goal should b to survive. That means you need to do what is necessary to last long enough to escape. It is not about beating them up or winning.

cross country running or track and field

it takes very little to be over whelmed by multiple people, its not like the movies were they come at you one at a time. the whole idea is to over whelm you.

very few people teach multiple opponents properly and even fewer people can actually handle multiple opponents. the best thing to do is run very fast

You stay light. You stay mobile. You STAY ON YOUR FEET. Sorry BJJ guys... Wrastlin ain't gonna help.

Use soft technique. Don't commit yourself to combos. And when you see an opening, run like hell.

That's why I carry a .45 with ten rounds in the clip......


with a big gun

I do krav maga and we train a lot for facing multiple opponents. But that's training and to be honest I sometimes find the training unrealistic. I mean if me and my friends were out and we decided that we wanted to kick some guys @ss. Just a hypothetical situation here.

I very much doubt the others would watch and wait for their turn. We would all just rush the guy at full speed and whale on him. So can it be done, for real?