> How did kung fu influence the world?

How did kung fu influence the world?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
they made a movie about it and a panda

I don't think you have any idea what you are talking about. What do you mean karate took over 45% of the world? I have no idea what you are trying to get at with that statement.

Second kung fu has thousands of different styles to it.

Third, I think you are trolling and I very much doubt that someone who can't even write correct sentences is an archeologist so I don't really want to continue writing half an essay on this question.

For someone who claims to be a scientist, you are not very good at research. Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan are movie stars with martial art training. They did not invent kung fu and kung fu has been around before them and will still be around long after Lee and Chan are forgotten.

Please cite your source that claims karate "took over 45% of the world". Just the sentence alone makes no sense. Just as the rest of your ramblings make no sense. What do you mean everyone was interested in martial arts and everyone "went off"? "No classes attended in china,uk"?

Apparently, in your research you failed to learn that when the communist took over China in the late-1940's, they banned the teaching and training of martial arts. Many masters of various styles were killed, documents burn, schools destroyed in the name of cleansing China of "counter-revolutionaries" which just means anyone the communist party disagrees with.Later, they modified this ban to allow teaching and training only for physical fitness and acrobatics - a neutered version of kung fu with all the combative techniques removed. That's in China and China is not the world because outside of China in such places a Hong Kong and other Chinese communities in other countries kung fu was taught and trained.

Furthermore, you claim to know karate and yet you do not know that karate came from Okinawan martial art which the Okinawans developed from Chinese martial art. You also did not seem to learn a very common fact that the word "karate" was coined during the 1st Sino-Japanese war because the Japanese until then used the word "Chinese hand" (唐手 or literally Tang Hand) and they changed it to "karate" because they felt it unpatriotic to call their martial art "Chinese hand" when they were at war with the Chinese.

I would suggest that you do more research.

Kung Fu is known as wushu (martial arts) in China.

A kung fu punch is like an iron bar attatched to chain and it goes WANG and it hurts inside.

Jackie Chan is a movie star, not a hero.

You don't know anything about what you are talking about. Not sure if you are trolling or just very confused and misinformed. In any case you stats are no where near correct.

Jimmy wang yu...

bruce lee was a legend.

jackie chan was a hero ...

and other kung fu fighters who are out there are special

i later learnt that karate took over 45% of the world and influenced it.karate . i know karate , i know its martial arts .

but why not kung fu. they say kungfu is harder and karate is easier. so karate doesnt make you strong or powerful, well it gives you power and stuff.since bruce lee died , everyone forgot kungfu . theres no classes attended in china,uk or any where else. .

before bruce lee everyone was intrested in martial arts and decided to take classes . after he died , everyone went off .

oh yeah my job is a archaeologist, i research things that are boring to peoplelike i am a anarak!.

how did it influence the world?