> How dangerous they can be?

How dangerous they can be?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
what is the level of danger of:

1)a black belt of karate shotokan?

2) a good boxer?

3) a black belt of japanese jujitsu and brazilian jiu jitsu( both in a single person) ??

1. Shotokan master- 15 ergon

2. Boxer- 6 medions

3. Jujutsu/juijitsu combo- 8 kemon and 3 zons

4. goku- 9000+

Shotokan is about as useful in a fight as table tennis lessons, it teaches you totally unrealistic attacks (oi-zuki) from totally unrealistic distances (6 feet away) and also teaches you to wait to be attacked before you do anything. Also most Shotokan clubs don’t even actually understand what it is they are teaching, as they tech you blocks when in fact there are no bloccks in karate.

2. Boxing teaches you the footwork to get in (to range) do the damage and then get out (of range) quickly. Boxers also have the most powerful punch of any martial artist, and then don’t wait to be attacked before they try to defend.

3. BJJ is almost as useless as Shotokan, triangle choke someone in the ring and he’ll tap, triangle choke someone outside the chip shop and his mates will use your head as a football. Japanese Ju-Jitsu is better, but again has the disadvantage of teaching you to wait to be attacked before trying to "block"/counter. Also depending on what style you study, most of the atemi for Traditional Ju Jitsu has been lost in favour of concentrating on the throws, joint locks etc.

"How" dangerous? What's the scale for "dangerous"?

A psycho with a working pipe bomb is more dangerous that any of them.

Edit: yes, but you're still failing to give me a scale for "dangerous". You're asking "how dangerous" they can be. Not IF they can be dangerous. So how is a degree of danger measured?

good boxer is the only dangerous one. you fight the way you train. in jiu jitsu, you just lay on your back and take the D

Once again self defense has nothing to do with styles of martial arts. It has to do with your mental and physical preparation and this is what you learn from a quality instructor of any style if you pay attention and work hard. One punch can win a fight, one kick can win a fight, one throw can win a fight, one choke or joint lock can win a fight. So judging one style over another is ridiculous, its about preparation and skill.

what is the level of danger of:

1)a black belt of karate shotokan?

2) a good boxer?

3) a black belt of japanese jujitsu and brazilian jiu jitsu( both in a single person) ??