> How can I learn escrima fighting?

How can I learn escrima fighting?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
don't listen to the guys who think they're so insightful, you gotta be humble but also respectful bud. if you wanna learn escrima start off learning spins online and yes you will have to in your condition, practice doing pushups with the butt of the stick for strength and grip and what i did was grip the sticks and punched wood so i could tolerate strikes to my hands, after your conditioning you should practice speed and precision striking, your aim is for hands with an armed opponent and the seven vital areas for an unarmed opponent as a samurai would.

Well, I'll tell you this much. You're an idiot who needs to get off his high horse. You've mastered $hit. For someone who claims to have done martial arts for 6 years, while in fact it's 3, you sure are naive. How do you know that those teachers are worth nothing? That you can beat them with one hand? How do you know that? I used to see people come almost daily who I thought were wear but then tapped me out like I've never trained a day in my life. 2 months ago I trained muay thai in Thailand. There are 13-14 year olds who could give me a run for my money. And that is not because I am a bad fighter or because I have not trained. I've trained far longer then you have. No that is because I have the humility to see that someone else might be better then me, might know something I don't.

You need to grow the f**k up and fast. If you don't like the eskrima teachers then choose another art. Preferably one where they can knock some sense into you.

Please....mastered after 3 years. Give me a break.

Gotta love the arrogance of youth.

No one masters anything in 3 years, i been doing MA all my life and grew up in a MA family and i have not come close to mastering anything. it takes a life time to truly master anything but even then there is always something to learn.

As for Escrima well i think you answered your own question, there is no one to teach you and videos online mean nothing otherwise you could call yourself a master black belt in you tube fu.

You cannot learn anything from looking online, even the most elite fighters who come across something online go and sit down in a group of people like a think tank and break it down into segments to better grasp the concept before drilling it out 1000's of times. Even then these people are true legitimate artists not someone who studied for 6 years and now thinks he is a master.

Since you have no instructor and no access to one, i suggest you wait until you are older and can drive and access a teacher.

Now i know the best way would be to go to a class but that is impossible for me. You see i live a fairly busy city but the closest martial art teacher that is worth anything is 4 hours away and the ones that are close to me are pathetic, pathetic as in i could beat them with one hand literally. I've done martial arts for six years (i'm 15) but i had to give that up due to this condition called poorness but i have a strange natural affinity for martial arts and mastered within 3 years and the rest of the time i just strengthened what i knew. I really want to learn how to use escrima sticks but there are zero teachers anywhere near me, so what can i do? oh, NO online video tutorials, they kinda suck :/

Thanks :)