> How can I join karate without being scared?

How can I join karate without being scared?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Everyone is scared when starting something new. Starting a new sport, a new school, a new job, etc. Every time we start something new we will be the new guy and it will seem like everyone knows more and you'll feel like you're struggling. But if you let that stop you, you'll never learn anything new and you'll be stuck in the same place and situation you've always been in. Courage isn't the absence of fear, it's moving forward in spite of your fear. The more often you get out of your comfort zone, the easier it gets. I say go for it, you'll love it and you'll have skills that are really important to have.

The other thing to remember is that your karate teacher is not just a teacher, but a business owner. You will not only be a student but you're a customer. The last thing that a business owner wants is to chase away a paying customer. So it's in their best interest to make you feel welcome and feel like you're getting something of value for your money. I know at my school student is interested in seeing every other student succeed, we don't tolerate anyone putting anybody down or making them feel bad. So I think you'll find that it's much more inviting than you think.

If I was you I wouldn't tell your friends until you get some time in under your belt. Friends always want to see you perform some moves, or they'll throw a half-hearted punch at you to see what you'll do. In the beginning you'll be awkward and may not have your reactions fully developed. I started martial arts pretty late in life (45) and even at our age, my friends would tease and play fight. But I'll tell you that after two and half years, not a single one of them throws a playful punch, asks to see something, or tries to startle me because they've received a taste of what it feels like when I block and counterstrike (lightly of course).

Sounds like your main concern is that you'll get made fun of for doing something different. If you are worried about that keep your participation in it on the down low.

Dont worry about starting something new. The instructors will ease you into it. People get started in martial arts at a later age all the time.

If it makes you feel any better, my cousin started karate classes at 13 and his mom took them with him. He survived and so will you and you'll be better for it.

First it doesn't matter what thy think but they will probably think it's cool that you are learning martial arts. I mean who doesn't like martial arts.If your friends are that judgmental they probably shouldn't be your friend.

This is just anxiety over meeting new people.

Extroverts tend not to have this issue, since they have social tools to communicate and manipulate people, even older ones, so they feel more confident. If your personality is more introverted, then you might feel the fear of meeting new people because you don't know how to deal with them. Or you fear that they might shun or exile you from the pack, and you would lose resources because of it.

But get this, it doesn't really matter if they like or dislike you, you have a goal to go there. What is the goal? Is the goal to be liked and thus receive praise and resources, or is the goal something personal that only matters to you? Keep your personal goal in mind, and realize that even if the new social group shuns you, that's not going to kill you. You need to realize this and believe it, otherwise anxiety will be back. Also take a deep breath and let it out, whenever you feel fear.

If you act normal, as in engage in conversation and ask people about their passion, hobbies, and life, people won't automatically dislike you, unless they hate you for one reason or another. Learn some social skills, via the websites or do it yourself books.

Don't be rude. Don't make assumptions. Try your best. IF it doensn't work out, your life goes on, find another place. There are plenty.

Just remember, your life and resources are not contingent upon being approved by them. Only weaklings and non independent people grow attached to "herds" for protection.

Also, don't let your parents sign contracts. You need a trial period of 1-3 months before you can feel you fit in or not. That's a personal definition, not a contract.

Sorry for the odd wording. My parents want to put me into karate but i'm to scared to join. They say it'll give me something to do instead of sitting at home all summer. I guess i'd like to join but i'm afraid i'll be judged, btw i'm 15. None of my friends are in karate but I know this girl that is but I don't really like her...I'm just afraid that they'll think i'm weird or that I don't belong because they've been in it all their life and i'd be just starting...If anyone can give me some advice that would be helpful, thanks.