> How can I convince my mom to let me join?

How can I convince my mom to let me join?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Ask your doctor if a style like Aikido would be okay. It is classified as a "soft" technique because it is not so focused on striking as some others. If your doctor say it would be okay, try and use that as a point to convince your mom to let you try. If the doctor says no then you might consider doing an art for health instead such as meditative Tai Chi. Tai Chi is actually a traditional style but the most common instruction around these days is for personal health.

I would have to agree with your Mom that any contact sports are out for you.

However, have you ever looked into just learning the martial arts forms? Some schools teach martial arts for health. Taiji is a big one. It is a martial art but can also be practiced for health. See if your Mom will go for something like that.

Just go watch whatever you like osteoporosis can be fixed if its not a digestive,depository or enzyme condition. What id do is Do the no contact warm up and fix my diet up.

Hmmm....i took marital arts for 6 years (i'm 16) your gonna get hit don't do any thing that will allow you kick so take boxing tell her its exercise and what's worse breaking a bone because you couldn't fight or because you had fun (swimming would help you me has that he swims alot)

About a year ago, I was diagonosed with Osteoporois. I was planning to starting Martial Arts, but then my mom immediately told me I couldn't. She wouldn't let me join any sports, fearing that I'd break a bone or two. It irriated me greatly, even though I knew she was trying to protect me. Once again, I really want to join Martial Arts, or some form of sport, really. I wrestle with my guy friends occasionally and It helps me relieve my self of stress. Anyone have any ideas to help me convince her? C: