> Help review TKD?

Help review TKD?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
You could:

1) Go back to class and/or

2) Find videos of your forms and revew them, along with some shadow boxing and shadow one-step sparring.

Do they have a manual that you can purchase?

I always find it interesting how people from the ATA defend their schools. Dude, you are a second degree black belt at 15 years old. I mean come on....That's a McDojo. It usually takes 5+ years to get one black belt. And you have two? At 15?

And you don't have anything else to compare with. Have you been to other places? If you haven't how do you know your school is good? You were at a McDojo, stop arguing and accept it, move on to something else. Best advice anyone will give you.

You should go back and train at your old school, especially since you talk highly of it, what else can you ask for. By the way, the ATA is awesome, and there is lots of talent in the ATA.

I do taekwondo, mauy thai.jiu jitsu..

Best thing to do is to go back and.train of.you want a honest opinion. . The secret to.every good kickboxer is taekwondo... no offense to anybody but taekwondo ia the best and people fail to realize that art is 5000 years old go back and train do it and i promise you will improve because you do not ever wanna forget how to kick right

So, I'm 15 years old and was a 2nd degree black belt at ATA (Some of you might think that's worth nothing, but I assure you my school was strict and taught well. But, that's besides the point). Since, I left, I've forgotten lots of things except primarily the pressure points and a variety of kicks.

My question is: how can I review what I learned in the past? I'd like to get to the skill I was at when I left, which compared to most of the other students, was pretty high. Any help is appreciative! Thanks!