> Help me to choose a martial art ?

Help me to choose a martial art ?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I always recommend you study with the best instructor you can find rather than picking an art. When you are older and much more experienced you will also be likely to have the money and transportation to study something else. Tomodachi made a really important point for anyone that plans to practice martial arts into middle age and old age. At 60 I can tell you that I can't do some of the things I did when I was 25. but what I do now are things that work and I can continue to improve them into old age.


Your goals seems to be seeking recognition over knowledge. For a young person, such is often normal however, please keep in mind that you will not always be a young person so that any style you may choose to practice must also still be applicable to your life when you are older and weaker.

All that you have listed will be more applicable to your younger persona, although judo can also be carried on for a long while and there are some older judoka.

The ability to travel to the school, dojo, kwoon, or gym seems to be a difficulty for you and that too is understandable however, that circumstance may change in your future so as to enable you to train in other styles.

Be well, tomodachi.

I would check out every place and find which ever one I like the best. I mean when it comes down to it I think every one of them is good for self defense, but if you are not fighting in a ring, you should just fine which ever one is most fun to you.

Muay Thai- teaches a variey of techniques including kicks, punches, elbows etc.. Also if you want to get into great shape out of all three of these martial arts, muay thai is probably the best if you want to be in shape

Judo- Is all about throws, chokes, and other grappling techniques. It's good for people who are not as strong as others, because even if you are small and not very strong you could still use those techniques to take out an assailant who is bigger than you.

Krav Maga- Krav maga is not as much a martial art as much as it is a fighting method, if you are looking for self defense against weapons, and things like that I recommend Krav Maga

Now one more thing, if you go into a dojo, and you see a judoka who is probably 7 or 8 and they have a black belt, leave there immediately.

Hello, I think it all comes down to your personality. I do Krav Maga and I can say that's it's mostly training your reflects and reaction time. Maga teaches lots of locks and combos, but for the most part it is designed to train your instincts as a fighter.

If you consider yourself to be good enough at Mui Thai, and want to try something else then go for Judo, you can always change your mind after trying it.

Go with Pugs answers. Oh and btw, it's not the art, it's the instructor.

I am interested 3 different arts

* muay thai


* krav maga

ok now, i did muay thai for last 8 months and i liked it but i stopped it because it was too far.

i found muay thai , krav and a judo gym near my house

i know i can't get good at all of them

but my question are :

1 should i do muay again?

2 or start with judo (and judo dojo is just 2 min from home) ?

*my goal is to be a all rounded (like mma ) so judo and muay(+some western boxing) are great.

3 is krav even worth learning?

i like krav only for its weapons disarming , joint manipulation and self defence.

4 now can a mma guy defend him self in self defence situation or he need krav?

and finaly i am my not looking to fight in ring .just want to be all rounded and have self defence