> Have any of u ever done a belt test solo?

Have any of u ever done a belt test solo?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I don't remember any solo testing, but I did test with only one other student. I was being tested for 3rd dan in Kempo and 3rd dan in Jujitsu. The other student was from a dojo in Charlotte, N.C. I had never met him. He was well over 6' tall. I'm about 5'6-1/2" tall. I was warned by the other students Sensei that he got very nervous during testing and had trouble controlling his techniques. We slugged it out for abut 6 hours. no breaks. At one point I whispered to him, saying,"If we don't lighten up a little we will not finish this test. On the other hand if we are not rough enough we will both fail". It did not sink in. He nailed me with a kick that dropped me hard. I got up and told him that I was going to match him punch for punch and kick for kick. If you hurt me, I'll hurt you. The next time he attacked I nailed him with a side kick that took his legs out from under him and he landed hard on his tailbone. After that he showed better control.


Not only did I do my first test on my own, my Instructor stopped the whole class and told them all to watch, which immediately made me so nervous I forgot pretty much everything. But at the end of the day if your not ready you don't get put in for the test, so they know you can do what's expected, even if you mess it up on the day :-)

My very first belt test was by myself. It was a weird scenario. It was just me and one of the instructors while regular class went on on the other side if the mat. I had to do all of my one steps on him. I was nervous because it was my first test, but I was confident about knowing what I had to do, so I wasn't worried about that. Since it was my first test, I didn't really have enough curriculum to get tired.

Actually, my last test had a huge amount of people and I found it to be the least satisfying testing experience because it felt too easy getting to take breaks while we took turns doing drills.

Solo and group. Either way I am nervous. I also never feel much pain until that night or the next day.

Like u were the only one testing. But there were others who u did techniques on and sparred with? I missed a test because of vacation. I would have tested with 3 other people, all of us doing techniques on eachother because of different body types. I unfortunantly missed that so testing solo was one of the hardest things ever. No breaks, no watching others, no having focus going to the other person, i was in the middle of the room with a panel and ppl who stayed to watch. Break falling, joint locks, takedowns punching kicking and sparring. No breaks. I was completely instinct by the end. Good thing i had drilled so much technique that thought was not needed to execute my takedowns and jointloclks. Anything like this ever happen to u guys. Whats the most tiring memory u have from ur martial arts training. U think one day i want to try the dreaded 24 akban is always talking about. Thnc in advance