You need to read and talk less and do more actual training. Turning hips in boxing is like day one stuff and you do it for every single punch. Matter in fact just about every martial art worth anything turns hips with punches.
On the foot part. There are some schools where they want the foot flat while turning hip, but I think that puts a lot of stress on the knee joint. My suggestion is to turn the foot like you said while turning the hips. Key there is to make sure you turn it until the foot and the knee faces the front. Any more than that and you are sacrificing balance.
stop over thinking, and get an instructor, stick with one style.
at your level you are being too focused on insignificance details, like which is better which is more powerful. you worry too much about about things you shouldnt be at your level. focus more on your training every thing else will come with time. dont be in such a rush
And did you know that Asian styles do the same-thing, Including your precious karate, I guess not.
Hips is definetely important.