> Gracie Jiu Jitsu,Freestyle Wrestling,Boxing?

Gracie Jiu Jitsu,Freestyle Wrestling,Boxing?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
What do you think of those 3 martial arts. Should I train in those three they seem okay.

They sure cover a lot. But you were asking about MMA earlier. In MMA, you'd need more striking tools than just punches. Learn to kick, knee, and elbow. Learn to fight in the clinch in such a way that allows you to strike.

"Gracie" JJ is sometimes differentiated from "Brazilian" JJ sometimes due to a supposed "self defense" emphasis. Honestly, I'd say that's debatable. I'm not a big fan of the "Gracie self-defense" stuff. Ground fighting is still emphasizes, and I'd say that's the most valuable part.

Freestyle wrestling teaches you how to take down and control someone.

Boxing is really good for footwork and attacking and defending against punches. Punches are the most common attacks in self-defense scenarios.

Don't hurt anyone really.

its what i do. id love to throw in judo as well

What do you think of those 3 martial arts. Should I train in those three they seem okay.