> Good karate Schools in Massachusetts?

Good karate Schools in Massachusetts?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Yes, absolutely. Shihan Tony Annesi is in the Greater Boston area. I'm not sure of the exact area, but if you can train with him you will truly have a great instructor. I know Shihan Annesi and I can tell you with confidence that you will not find a better instructor.

Look up "Bushidokai Tony Annesi" and you will see that he sells lots of training DVD's I'm not recommending DVD training, but each has a link that will allow you to see a bit of what is one the DVD. It will give you an idea of just how good and knowledgeable Shihan Annesi is.

Lets put it this way, I wish I lived close enough to him to study from him.


If you're near Boston there is Yang's martial arts association. http://www.ymaaboston.com/ This school is the real deal. You can look up YMAA on youtube and see how skilled master Yang and his students are.
