> Good idea or bad?

Good idea or bad?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
There really is nothing wrong with doing that for the most part except for one small thing. Once you have thrown the kick high to the head then your opponent's hands and arms might still be up higher making it harder for you to land that cross then. Some fighters leave their hands up and some don't so if you find that happening and your cross not landing like it should then you might consider throwing the kick lower to the ribs or kidneys which will then give you a better chance of landing the cross up on top.

One of the things I always do in sparring is watch my opponent's reactions to things and what they tend to do when I throw something. Then I will change up based on their reaction to better take advantage of them and you might want to consider doing the same thing. Also you can even program your opponents sometimes which I have also talked about before in this forum. That is when you do something a few times in a row and just when they think they then know what it is you are going to throw because of seeing it before you then suddenly change up and take advantage of that reaction. This especially works well with poorly trained or inexperienced fighters.

What you are saying makes perfect sense to me so I say go for it because doing another rear left cross is predictable and the hook would be faster and more powerful in that position

Bad idea.

Not because the technique is bad, but because your coach gave you advice and you question it by asking anonymous people.

Either, you trust your coach and do what he says, or you don't and you have no business training with him.

The combination you describe is fine. I would learn both; this way, your opponents won't know which you will use.

In the meantime, your coach gave you something to work on; you should work on it.

(I am southpaw)

So I will throw a rear leg left round kick to their head in sparring.

Then my coach says after you place the left leg back down, fire off a left rear cross punch.

Well I was thinking, why not throw a front arm right hook after throwing a rear left high round kick?

Granted you have to generate power while standing on one leg for the right hook, but I can kinda do that.

I was thinking you wouldnt follow a left rear cross with another rear left cross, you would tend to follow a rear left cross with a front right hook, because its faster and the front arm right hook is fully powered up at the hips read to go.

So good idea or bad idea and why?