> Girl learning to fight!?

Girl learning to fight!?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Get a book on Krav Maga, or better yet find a class. But the books are very good and can help give you an idea of the fundamental elements of self-defense.

Sorry about the attack. Stay safe.

I agree with everything Shaeek said; i want to add that you should do some research on what a McDojo is, its basically a crappy martial art school but most people dont know that they are not learning the real art. I was in a TKD McDojo for 2 years before i learned about McDojos, i highly suggest doing some research on them. A lot of people on here havent actually been in a McDojo, dont be tricked!

If you can give me details on how the attack went down I can give you plenty of advice relevant to the nature of the attack.

also pass the pizza couldn't have said it better, sorry about what happened, stay safe

I'll teach you the basics as like Shaeeck said your P.E teacher wouldn't help you fight someone.

First you need to know when to fight and when to run away. If your challenged to a fight decline and if you are attacked when they/you weren't provoke or self defense then yes.

Second you don't want to punch them in the face as the skull is strong and you could break your hand and don't punch the throat either as you could kill them. Punch them in their stomach just below the rib cage in a upper cut or straight punch. if you have to punch their face do it with your the side of your elbow or side of your fist as their is a cushion and won't hurt as much.

Thirdly you need to duck out the way and if their taller get in close punch and get out. Get in close so your out of their punch range but still in yours. Keep your hands protecting your face but not covering it like this.

I think that's it. If it's a street fight play dirty like spit in their face, jab their nose or eye, pull their hair and if a guy kick/knee them in the balls but don't bite them because it's dangerous and you can get hepatitis


Fighting has nothing to do with Physical education at school, so asking your PE teacher will not help in the slightest.

I do not like to say how do you learn to "fight" but more how do i learn to "defend myself". the word "fight" seems as though you want to learn to hurt other people for no apparent reason which is completely wrong, where as if you say, "defend yourself" it takes an entirely different meaning.

do NOT learn a martial art at home, it will not help you learn to defend yourself, it will just give you self confidence with weak skills which is worse than having no skills and no confidence. Think of it this way would you rather a soldier who trained and learned all their skills at the army base defending you? or a man in army clothing who learned to fight in his lounge room by watching videos and reading books???

Ok first things first, forget the fact that you are a female. There is nothing wrong with any female learning martial arts, in fact i highly recommend it to everyone. I am a female who has done martial arts for close to 25 years. I was not the only one, in fact it is very common.

What i would do if i was in your situation is make phone calls or research "self Defense courses" online then go and learn it. Dont worry about an entire art, just learn a self defense course to begin with. This will give you a few tools to work with in the present time however do not expect that you can just do the self defense course and then you will be set for life. In fact self defense courses are the very basic bare minimum information that can give a slight chance to help you.

while i was completing the self defense program i would then be researching martial arts programs in your area. Search for the class that has the best instructor. It doesnt matter if that class is Karate, BJJ, GJJ, TKD, kick boxing, Judo, MMA, Jujitsu, Krav Maga or numerous others.. All that matters is that you find the one with the best instructor. Then once you have completed you self defense course i would then commence learning a martial art. Even if it is only once a week it is better than nothing. The more you train the better you will become though.

By selecting the best instructor you will receive the best training, there is no such thing as one style being superior over all others, in fact all styles have their strengths and weaknesses. Don not fall into the trap that MMA is the best one because it teaches everything. This is not true. They teach a wide range of skills but do not go as indepth as other styles however this is not undertaking its ability to teach quality martial arts.

Good luck and begin training and it will change your entire life if you stick with it.


What @Matt said is completely wrong, do not find an all girls class unless you plan to only ever be attacked women which is HIGHLY unlikely. Martial arts has nothing to do with Gender, neither does self defense so if you limit yourself to only defending against women then you will leave a huge hole in your skills.

Go to a Dojo/Martial Arts Club. If you can find an All-Girls one, that's all the better.

Your P.E teacher will have no idea how to fight. Unless they do proper martial arts, not just teach Judo for 2 weeks a year,.

Learning to fight from home can actually lose fights as you may feel more confident in your abilities, despite clear weaknesses that a teacher will correct.

I got attacked on the street the other day. I'm really scared to go out on my own at the moment. I really want to learn how to fight. Could I do it at home or even ask my PE teacher to train me. Please help!