> Getting made fun of my skill in Jiu jitsu?

Getting made fun of my skill in Jiu jitsu?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Unfortunately you get people like this in every style. I would have a quiet word with your instructor. I have had this happen before with white belts. Someone felt they were being victimised and spoke to me about it. So when it came time to roll i pulled the bully over and told them to roll with me. Lots of people knew something was about to happen because i NEVER roll with white belts. So for the next 8 minutes i made him tap and tap and tap and tap over and over again, at the end of it i pulled him aside and told him that he is too stop acting superior to other people because there is always someone better. Never had a problem with them again.

Some instructors are very good and will listen to you and try to help you. Do not let someone else make you give up something that you enjoy. For now until your skills advance just work on shrimping, do it time and time again every day. work one positions not submissions. work on not tapping out. Eventually even if you have not tapped anyone out after a year you will still be better than most because you will know how to gain dominant position and stop yourself from being tapped out. A tap out is only possible because of positioning.

Speak to your instructor and ask them to fix the problem without huge fuss, im sure they will. Tell them you are there to gain confidence and this person is just tearing it down so what is the point of being there.

Well 1) all the cocky ones end up getting their *** beat and to the worst way too

2) sorry for my language but **** him.

Keep training man, if anything train with your instructor more and ask him to help you out. It's all about practice practice practice. Work on your technique more and it's just gonna take time. Yeah your gonna lose here and there but keep your head up and one day you'll be getting more colors on your belt. Me personally I started training at Brazilian Top Team and knew people from there and no lie I kept getting my *** whooped and tapped out quick but I was so dedicated on getting better so I kept practicing, worked on my technique and I learned to love the sport to where I'm got way better than before.

Long story short: Keep your head up man and don't give up. Eventually you'll beat him and tap him out every time :)

You already asked this. My former answer still applies:

"It doesn't motivate you? If it were me, I'd practice more and get better. Find out what he does best and work on ways to counter that."

Dont worry about it drink tea.

Try this out!


practise and kick his $$$ also try not to be so mean...

neck crank him

So Ive been training Jiu Jitsu for bout 2 months now. There is this one guy in there round the same age as me (20) hes been there a lot longer than I have. So Yesterday we wrestled and he always beats me and I admitted to him he is better. But what he does is laughs bout how bad I am at it. Ive never tapped him out. He is stronger and bigger than me. I dont know bout yall. But I cant stand someone that is cocky and takes videos of him beating people with less experience. It makes me want to quit because I dont enjoy getting made fun or my skills gettin made of fun of either. I know most people will tell me not to let the other people bother me. But Im very self conscience sadly.