> Getting into MMA?

Getting into MMA?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Generally you start the amateur circuit, or in some cases: Amateur/professional related sports (e.g. amateur wrestling, full contact Karate, Kickboxing, Boxing, BJJ,). When you start fighting as a professional, you will have sponsorship and a gym to support you on your way. The UFC is constantly looking for new fighters. If you start winning a lot of fights, you may get a call. Some fighters are able to send in tapes as well, but the UFC will likely verify an decent pro record before offering a contract to someone.


1.) Get a good trainer and PROMOTER.

2.) Have your promoter get you involved in Local MMA, boxing, BJJ, Wrestling Matches or Tourneys.

3.) Build A good Ammy record and signwith a pro organization, it will probably be uknown but ow well you got to start somwhere.

4.) Get Picked up by a scout for a more well known organization by winning doing good and having contacts.

5.) Than if you can actually keep a good record with toher decent fighter excpect for Bellator or the UFc to picj

Okay. I know how to get into MMA as far as working hard, taking all different kinds of MMA like BJJ, Wrestling etc. But the question I'm asking is how would people in UFC accept you in and notice you? Do you fight at gyms hoping a sponsor likes you, send in tapes of you fighting etc. Don't lecture me about how much dedication it'll take and how it's probably not a good choice. I can't really find a straight forward answer that doesn't really answer the question.