> Frustrated when you fight someone too easy?

Frustrated when you fight someone too easy?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I never forget that I too started a long time ago and was not very good at it. I appreciate all the higher ranks who patiently spar me and teach me.

Now that I am better than some I can say that going slow with someone not so good often teaches me something too if you know how to look for it. Always going hard and fast is not good. It is not always about scoring and winning but how to improve yourself. Try something new to broaden your horizon with someone who goes slower. Instead of just trying to go for anything that is open limit your targets and go just for one target and nothing else every time you see it come open. This is really good for training reaction and learn to read your opponent's movements. It's an excellent opportunity for you too.

You sound selfish and have much to learn. Fighting is not about you and you reacting to your opponent. It is about reacting with your opponent and this is something that is best learned with someone slower. Once you figure this out your speed will greatly increase.

At least you feel bad about thinking the way you do so there is hope for you to become a good student. It's more than I can say for some.

Someone who tries their best I can always respect but someone who just clowns around and takes this as a social get together, not so much. But I can still use them for my own benefit/practice even if I do not respect their attitude. So it really does not matter to me. They are only holding themselves back but they can not hold me back if I don't let them.

that happens with me all the time. it has good side and a bad side, the good side is that you're too strong and the bad side is that you can't find a good opponent easely. But it's not always like this.

There is always someone better than you. If there isn't go to another gym.

you need to fight more Black fighters, you wouldn't have such a easy time against them

Find someone more challenging.

Not even once. I think if you are spending your time sparring normally against much weaker opponent is a waste of your time. Instead of just sparring normally with them go try techniques you are really bad at. Because they are at much lower level you should be able to attempt it often, and your opponent given pretty much a single technique to work against will find a way to counter you. Work off of that attempt at counters to farther build that bad technique.

Do you get frustrated when you're pumped and ready for a good fight and your opponent either isn't trying hard enough or just stands no chance? Sometimes I just wish people would take it more seriously,though I always feel guilty afterwards for thinking like that. Does anyone else ever feel like this and how do you deal with it?